Adam LaRoche kills giant elk and Dan Haren is possibly sad about it


Jun 17, 2007
With the offseason upon us, baseball players have a few months to themselves to enjoy family time while reengaging in their favorite hobbies. For free-agent first baseman Adam LaRoche, who's $15 million option was not picked up by the Washington Nationals, that means heading into the woods with his bow and rifle looking for some big game to hunt for his award-winning show Buck Commander on the Outdoor Channel.
Needless to say, he's already scored big. At least on the hunting front.*
Thank you Lord for the Rocky Mountain Elk! #BuckCommander
— Adam LaRoche (@e3laroche) November 5, 2014
LaRoche scored that enormous 12-point elk in the woods of Wyoming, according to Buck Commander's Instagram page. Though he prefers using his bow, LaRoche went to his rifle to nab this one. That was a good call, and the end result has big-game hunters from everywhere in awe of his kill.
With that in mind though, not everyone believes in or supports LaRoche's offseason activity. Among them might be his Nationals' teammate from 2013, pitcher Dan Haren, which could have made things awkward if true. Here's Haren's response to LaRoche's picture on Twitter.
@e3laroche poor elk, just minding his own business eating some leaves and boom, dead. Atleast you're having fun.
— dan haren (@ithrow88) November 5, 2014
Most of Haren's tweets are tongue-in-cheek, so it's highly likely he's just giving LaRoche a difficult time. Either way, his tweet captures how a lot of people feel about hunting in general, so it's probably closer to a sensitive issue than it is a laughing matter in the grand scheme of things.*
For what it's worth, LaRoche also reportedly provided the Nationals' clubhouse with 800 pounds of hormone, steroid and antibiotic-free Black Angus beef from his ranch in Kansas about once every two months over the past couple seasons. Yes, that includes the 2013 season when Haren was there.*LaRoche may or may not use that as a part of his free agent pitch this offseason, but it seems likely he'll be taking more than his baseball skills elsewhere next spring.
BLS H/N: Deadpsin
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Mark Townsend is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Townie813