Acekard 2 ds card not working?


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I have purchased and thought I loaded properly, As I have 3 DS lite cards (r4's) but since my Nephew has a DSI XL, I had to buy the dsi compatible card, which is the white box by acekard (2), I tried the software that was on our DS lite cards and it didnt work, I tried downloading stuff from the acekard website but theres soo much to choose from, He opened it and we tried it and tried reinstalling other stuff from the website, still nothing, on open screen it shows acekard 2 in the little square but when you go to it, it comes up a black screen that says unable to read or something (cant remember) , I dont have a DS I to try the cards on, and he's now gone home sad, as his card didnt work but his brothers ds lite one did.....Is there anyone out there that can point me in the direction to load this card so i can mail it to him as they live 2 1/2 hrs away, I have dvd with tonnes of games, It says i can drag and drop the games just like the ds R4's, but what program do I put on it so he can play them??? if you can either explain or send links, that would be greatly appreciated so i can load it up and hopefully it will work for him when he gets it in the mail...I do remember reading something bout if the start up screen had a wrench on it, didnt need or needed some card, not sure maybe i have the wrong one?? His "Did" have the wrench when i was turning on and off! Thanks for reading and hopefully i can get this sorted out and mail it off and he may get it before christmas or just after or at least before break is over.. I hate that I have given a gift to a little boy and now he's upset it doesnt work.... I just dont have a DSI to know if it worked or not, or maybe i need to do something different then the R4's Thanks again for all your help!