According to Scripture, are my people and I... *Gulp*... Anti-Christ's?


May 17, 2008
Hello everybody and welcome to my Yahoo Answers question post, my name is Mindy Calegneti, I'm 29 years old and heeeeeeere's the question.

As a dedicated and baptized member of the unified worldwide Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, I along with my over 7 million+ spiritual brothers and sisters, absolutely, positively DO NOT believe in or give support to the teaching of the Trinity.

We DO NOT believe that our Lord Jesus Christ IS God THE Almighty whatsoever in any way, shape, fashion or form.

However, what I and my spiritual brothers and sisters DO believe, excercise faith in and proclaim whole-heartedly is that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah), that he most definitely IS the beginning of God Almighty's creation, the perfect image of the Almighty invisible God, that he is the Only Begotten, Firstborn, Son of His heavenly Father who is God Almighty and that Jesus himself flat out stated in no uncertain terms that he IS the Son of God.
*** Scriptures to back up what I stated as True are within the following link: ***

We Jehovah's Witnesses believe whole-heartedly according to John 1:14 that "The Word" (Jesus Christ in his pre-human existence) was SENT to earth by Almighty God his heavenly Father and came into the world by being born IN THE FLESH (becoming a perfect male human being) through a virgin woman by the name of Mary and that God Almighty sent him to die as a sacrificial lamb so that all those who believe by excercising faith in the shed blood of his Ransom sacrifice can receive God's gift of eternal life.

Yeppers, that's THE TRUTH as to what I and my people believe regarding J.C and it can be verified at our following OFFICIAL website:

The following is stated about anti-Christ's:

That being the case, according to Scripture, are my people and I Anti-Christ's?

Are we DOOMED to eternal damnation because we as Christians DON'T believe that Jesus is THE Almighty God himself? Are me and my people the wretched spawn of Satan and all that is unholy and vile?

Are we as good as TOAST and indeed anti-Christ's because our 'New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures' Bible translates John 1:1 as:

"In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god."
~ John 1:1 (NWT)....

When in fact there exists a not so well known Bible translation (not produced by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society) which is approximately 1,700 years old that translates John 1:1 in the same way as the NWT and can be seen here:

MANY people say we're anti-Christ's (heck you the reader could possibly be one of those people and or you may know of those who think such about us). So then, scripturally speaking... Are we anti-Christ's?

