about the limewire/frostwire court settlement notices and free settlement items?


New member
Nov 7, 2011
I've been using frostwire for all my music downloads and when i was given the link to go to limewirelaw.com to had the notices removed from my music downloads and to register for a free settlement item i went to the website and did what it said to do but the thing is is that they didn't give me a phone number to call if i had any questions or anything i sent them an e-mail twice and they simply said back that it would take approximately 4-6 weeks for my approval status and for my free item but it also siad on the site that i would be given a claim number to periodically check my status and so forth. So im just wondering if theres any other possible way to find out anything about this process and see what is going on as far as my claim approval status. If anyone who is familiar with this situation with the frostwire program and what the whole settlement thing is about so i know what to expect from it could you please let me know it would be great. Thanks and have a good day.

Adam.A from mass