Abortion is Wrong

Anyone that refers to an blastocyst/embryo/foetus as a parasite is automatically out of the abortion debate.
Those people have no opinion worth taking into account.
Are you saying incest is most preferable? And I'm having a hard time taking abortion advice from someone who's handle is "itwasntme"...just saying.

Yes, however they perform the procedure themselves, after they have a meditation battle with the embryo, if the embryo wins then it lives.

On a serious note.

The difference is that the unborn child has done nothing wrong. The criminal has usually killed, raped, kidnapped, or maimed someone, so it's not a fair comparison IMO.

AFA abortion in general, my personal view has changed over the years, when I was a young adult I saw nothing wrong with abortion, since then I've had children and also getting along in years (middle age) I think maybe I cherish life more. Is it just me or do others see a similar pattern in their views?
I am more like this. Although still Pro-Choice many of my attitudes changed since I have become a father.

Slight tangent, but I re-read "It" by Stephen King (one of my favourite novels) and there was a scene in there where Patrick Hosetter killed his baby brother. It was always a harrowing scene, but rereading as the parent of a baby son (as I was at the time) was sickening...the impact of this piece of prose had changed so much.

My views of abortion and the value of life changed somehwat for teh same reasons
I'm pro choice with caveats.

Abortions if carried out for non medical reasons should be carried out early - if women want to be responsible for their bodies, they should be responsible with their bodies. You'll have a hard time convincing me you didn't know you were pregnant until you were 6 months gone.

Women should be properly informed about the risks of abortions as well as other alternativeas. If a woman doesn't want a baby - fine, but no woman should have an abortion out of ignorance of the alternatives.
I could have written that post my views exactly.

There's a pretty simple couple of question that can help young women work out if they are pregnant or not.

Have you had unprotected sex in the last 9 months?

If the answer is yes then you might be pregnant. Do a test ASAP to see if you are.

Have you had protected sex in the last 9 months?

If the answer is yes then you might be pregnant. There's no need to do a test ASAP but look out for signs you might be pregnant. No periods, weight gain, feeling a bit sick, sore breasts etc. That sort of thing. If you get those signs do a test ASAP.

No way does answering those questions take more than a month or two.
For me, as a single, 33 yo man with no children so far, it comes down to "responsible society", and I believe it's just irresponsible to allow abortion on demand. That said I certainly believe there are situations where abortion is not only warranted but should be allowed, either by sought permission or by way of legislation. The aforementioned rape or incest for example. And I believe that whatever the stance of a country is on abortion it must be put into law (non-constitutional preferably).
Everyone in Ireland, whatever camp they are in, is ashamed over what happened to Savita Halappanavar, and it is a shame that we will be wearing around our necks for a long time to come.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about:


There are a lot of other issues involved in the Savita case but the medical professionals should have been protected by legislation to terminate the pregnancy if they had decided to do so.
More irresponsible than forcing women to have unwanted babies?
If the choice is a cluster of cells being destroyed or an unwanted child being forced on someone (or society) then I'll take destroying the cells every time.
The debate (IMHO) is in the grey area between destroying something that is only cells and destroying something that looks like a baby.
In my opinion the cut off (24 weeks I think) for a voluntary abortion is too old. Seeing as prem babies of 26 weeks can survive (albeit with loads of medical assistance).
Don't you find this a little moralizing? Do you have similar objections to the morning after pill or, heck, contraception in general? How would this work? Would a woman need to prove that she was raped to get the abortion? What if she couldn't - would she then have to carry the baby to term?
"Adoption is always an option"

As I said, it's about responsible society for me. If average Josephine Slapper is too drunk to remember to use contraception, then IMO it's "tough luck sweetheart!".
That then inflicts a life of misery and everything else on the child - I don't think you are looking long term with that approach.

What if they DO use contraception and it fails? (has happened to me 3 times)
What exactly are you hoping I would allow others choose to do or not?

One needs to feel pain or be cognitive to exist as a being and be deserving of life?

The heart pumps blood by the end of week six.


I didn't say all sexual intercourse is reckless decion making - it can be in MANY circumstances. I fully agree that we need better education for the youth, but many a service is offered that parents aren't required or willing to allow their child/children to receive. Sexual education is one of them.
I don't deny that it's a very complicated matter. And I know that my opinions sometimes seem quite harsh. I understand that a lot of rape victims are ashamed to even report it but those that do can easily prove it. In the case of those who can't, well that would have to be decided upon by those more involved and educated on the matter than I am.
I think we need a DNA database. When a women finds herself pregnant she can simply have a DNA check, the father is identified and he can be held responsible for his share of raising the child he helped create.

If this was the case I bet there would be a lot more "men" who would be pro abortion.
Rape victims can easily prove it? In what universe? Rape is very difficult to prove, and often devolves into he said/she said regarding consent. It's not just a case of a dude in a dark alley, it's often times Brian the cute med student who got a little too drunk.
To me? Yeah. I don't see much of a difference between a corpse and someone kept alive on life support for the rest of their life until someone switches the machine off. The latter gets more claim to life than a baby because at least I know the person could be conscious in there somewhere. Don't actually know enough about what being in a coma is like to say for sure on that one.

If you want to say that having a heart that pumps blood gives you a right to life then I really hope you're a vegetarian. Even a chicken is more alive than a featus.

Taking the choice away from the parents would be a good start. The more conservative approach to sex is dying out anyway due the generation change so I have hope for the future on that score.
Can we go the fun route of asking what responsibility the man should have for the child if both sides were equally to blame for the conception and the guy made clear he didn't want the child and wanted no part of its life but the woman kept it anyway? That's always a fun one.
I don't pretend to have a perfect solution to this, only an opinion. Maybe we should start deep frying babies. If they taste good I may well change my opinion!
