Aaah those were the days...

The park in which I work is being done up and they are planning to have some cool adventure play stuff, basically big tree type things that you can climb up.May have to test that when its erected!
Ah the spider webs Adventure playgrounds will never cease to be inviting! Those and ball pits/bouncy castles
ropes were great too .... used to have big high rope climbs - I guess H+S decided they werent safe
There was a half finished roundabout at our old park basically just a little spiny thing with no rails trying to fit four people on it was great.
Throwing up afterwards not so much which happened on numerous occasions.
I love climbing trees and rocks when i get the chance . As for the OP, i did read it and smile. I like to think that i have the benefits of both old-school experience - before the western world turned into a giant unsafe computerized liability lawsuit PC machine - and today's err... hmm... what does 'today' have to offer... broadband internet connection i guess .
I still see the kids round my way doing some of the same stuff I did. I watched some kids making a dodgy looking ramp for thier bikes a while back. Our local park is much better now, they have a rope slide thing and a massive climing frame(im a bit jealous).

We used to jump off a footbridge into the river mouth beside one of the beaches here. The water was always freezing(north sea) and there was some dangerous currents. There was the ocasional incident with someone being swept out to sea, a schoolmate of mine had to be rescued by an RAF sea king. I still see kids jumping off the bridge, the only difference is they have wetsiuts now.
I lived out in the mountains when i was young. I rode my bike 2-3 miles down in to "the hollar" to my friends house. We only got 2 channels with the rabbit ears on a little 13 ' B&W TV and they were mostly snow. AM radio, how many people still listen to that. remember when there was no FM? The Lone Ranger, Leave it to Beaver, and Ultraman on Saturday mornings. I actually had one of those red an black jackets that the darker version of Micheal Jackson wore. Does anyone still make corderoy (I cant spell) Pants?
Hehe i remember when i was a kid the summer holidays, which were for 6 weeks, would seem to last forever! it was great! time went so slowly when i was a sprog.

6 weeks just flies by now...scary.
I miss the sound of corduroys and wearing satin shirts with bold prints, and nehru jackets... ok, I think I can do without the nerhu jacket or the memory of it.
I hear ya, honey! I love my cords - much more sensual and tactile than jeans even if they do pick up more fluff
Once again I'm smiling at the original post. Seen it before, but you've got to keep reminding yourself

One small tip which I remember from my younger days..... You may want better footwear than rollerboots for climbing trees

On holiday next week I'm hoping to visit:

"Go Ape" in the Lake District

I know it's 'sanitized', but it should still be fun