A typical day in the life of your beloved Blue Eyed Homosexual


New member
Feb 3, 2011
..............................…? I wanted to invite you into my world for a brief moment to show you how talented, rich and wonderful and lucky I am in order to bring some sparkle and brightness to your small and dreary existences.

I awake probably at about 8am when the maid knocks quietly on the door and brings in my breakfast tray when I open the New York Times I quickly glance over the glowing theatre reviews of (my) last nights performance on Broadway.

I may take a phone call or two from my agent or publicist if I feel like it and then I'll give my up and coming pop star bedfellow hunk of loveliness a passionate kiss and a hug as he rushes out the door to his recording studio appointment and we arrange to meet at the expensive restaurant after my show that night.

Slipping on my gold silk dressing gown I slide into my pink fluffy mules and pad silently to my bathroom which is as big as the Empire State Building's lobby where my maid(s) has drawn me a huge bubble bath and there's a glass of champagne on the side and the whole marble bathroom has been scattered with rose petals - and another pop star or male model waiting in there for me - and we make love all morning then he goes off for his afternoon fashion shoot at the Vogue magazine headquarters downtown in Manhattan.

Yes I spray myself lightly with priceless scent at this point.

I would probably meet Joan and Jackie Collins for lunch and a few vodka stingers followed by a shopping spree in some expensive boutiques and then I go to the theatre on Broadway to play the heroine in my latest hit.

Feeling a little wearily after such a long day of applause etc I'll get dressed slowly in my dressing room with my dresser Juanita and call my driver to take me to the very expensive restaurant to meet with my pop-star man.

That's it really aside from bedtime which is strictly NOYB!

Anyway that's all for now so do tune in tomorrow for more of 'Blye Eyed Privileged Fabulousness!'