A small girl i know wants to hitch hike over states, can you help me convince her...


Oct 7, 2008
...not to? She is over 20 so telling her parents would not work, she is small and has health problems. I try and say things like maybe you should not do that aren't you worried about a sicko picking you up. I just really don't want her to get "raped" ( i hate saying that word). or kidnapped or hurt, she wants to camp out along the road. She is small. Shes wise enough to be on her own but the way she looks makes me think this will happen. I wanted to pay for a bus to take her where she wants to go but she wont accept anything for free. Ive been kinda looking out for her because she gets scared and her family doesn't seem to care. She is a good Friend, shes not my girlfriend shes more like a sister. I don't know what to say anymore, please don't be sick with your answer . Please offer some ideas on what to say and i have tried to very subtly say she could get raped doing this but without saying the word because no girl want to talk about that. Offer any opinions but please don't say anything sick, and ideas for what to say. This is very important to me rite now. She wont let me give her my mace and wont carry a firearm or get a permit to carry a weapon. Going over states means a lot to her but i feel she is making a very stupid decision. Thank you for your time and patients reading my not so good grammar.
It's illegal in some states too. Plus she might not get lucky enough to get a ride. People in general would not pick up a hitch hiker for the same fear. However, people would questionable motives might. There are good hearted people out there but it takes a lot for them to trust a hitch hiker enough to pick them up. So eliminating those, you'll only have the people with questionable motives.
It's impossible to say it will happen, but the risks are certainly high. People have to make their own decisions and live (& die) with the consequences. Too many want to dance for free, but the piper HAS to be paid, sometimes in blood and tears, but always paid. Dread what she lets any children do if she has a good time.