a small complication

I am glad to hear that. But I would still advise caution. For instance, you don't know your partner's limitations, which means, basically, you don't know where she's been or what she's done. Just don't get yoruself into a situation you can't get out of, there are diseases that can be transmitted by means other then full sex. Ok, I'm done lecturing. Why don't you just pick the one you actually enjoy spending time with. It doesn't matter how beatiful the person is, you still have to deal with the heart and head that is carried by the body. When you come down to it... ask yourself if you would be friends with them even if you didn't think they were cute.
thats the thing i dont know any of them, almost nothing at all! thats why i wanted short term things , if i get to know them i might not like them
Then I would suggest getting to know them... there is nothing that says you need to decide anything today. Hang out, talk to them and then maybe decide. You are putting the cart before the horse I think.
You'll put the poor boy off talking to them!

Young people probably know more about being safe than the rest of us. So be safe!

Best way is to be in relationships instead of jumping fom one to the next. So take your time and hope it works out with someone you can get on with for a long time. I'd say go with the flow and see what happens, I try not to make plans because things rarely go to plan.
pgm316 said:
You'll put the poor boy off talking to them!

Young people probably know more about being safe than the rest of us. So be safe!

No intention to put him off girls or relationships. Relationships are important, no matter what the age.
But I don't know about that whole young people know more thing. I get some pretty strange things coming up from my students. No one really tells them anything so they tell eachother things. I just had to go over STDs in my senior anatomy class and they didn't know any of the bacterial diseases and hardly anything about viruses other then HIV. But I guess this is neither here nor there to the post though.