A simple Final Fantasy VII quiz?


Jun 25, 2008
I just gotta see how much people know their stuff. Find it a somewhat easy 7 question quiz (yes I did the seven questions on purpose.)
1. Who dies toward the end of Disc 1?
2. T or F: Ultima Weapon drops the Ultima Weapon
3. Where is the Mine Materia found? How do you get it?
4. T or F: Upon cross-dressing Cloud you can get a bra
5. T or F: All the Playable Characters have 4 limit breaks
6. Multiple Choice:Who does Red XIII call Grandpa? A> Gi Nattak B> Hojo C>Bugenhagn D>Nanaki
7. Including Sephiroth from Cloud remembering the past, is there a max (also including hidden characters) of 7 characters in PHS and Party combined?
Forgive me, I did intend Mime... m is near the n...
I made another typo... I meant Ultimate WEAPON not Ultima Weapon on Q2
1. Aerith (Aeris)
2. False
3. Mine materia? No such thing. If you mean "Mime" Materia it is located in a cave near Wutai and you need a Green Chocobo to access it.
4. False
5. False - Vincent does not.
6. C
7. No, I think there are about 10 Characters.