A Serious Religion-related Problem...?


Jun 10, 2008
I am a 14-year old boy. I didn't go to church anytime recently though i pray to God every now and then. i know i should be going and praying and learning, but i am doing it now because i realized he is a ginormous part of my world. but here is my problem.....

my dad bought this candle which brought me a guardian angel to watch over me and give me goodluck. i was being friendly and soon enough she developed feelings for me. i told her i just wanted to be friends and she got mad/sad. recently, she just tricked me into committing a sin and i got really scared if it was her or not. i prayed to God and told him i truly love my family members and broke down into tears and confessed my sins and ask for forgiveness. at this point, the guardian "angel" is trying to take over my body and is getting into my mind, i cant even sleep. so here i am 4 o clock in the morning asking anyone religious/experienced what to do? please, im so scared......i have a cross with Jesus on it in my hand and the Guardian Angel still can move it around.....I wrote a vow to God that i would love and pray to him, and go to church, read the bible, and confess my sins if i did any......my faith isn't that strong, but i am working on it to truly be his lamb and child....

this might be a question average people can't answer, so priests, preachers, strong followers of God, and others please help..... i can't sleep...
That's not an angel! You can't just "buy" one! That's why the Holy Spirit is there! You should just pray to God, like REALLY pray and ask him for help. I don't know who or what that thing is, if it's a demon or something but tell it that you love God and to leave you alone! And please don't be religious... No-one wants that. Even God hates traditions and all that! Just love God with all your heart and all your mind!!!

Ps. your dad would buy you stuff like this?? I don't get it.. You shouldn't mess around with stuff like that. It's best to leave those alone!!!
Go to church, read the Bible, seek psychiatric and counseling help, take the candle out of your butt, etc...
Dude get help. A candle is making you see a guardian angel, and you hear voices that tell you to do things? This seems like the beginning to a creepy novel, or some really strong acid.

If your really scared of your hallucination, try pimp-slapping it. I'm not joking.
well this sounds kind of weird... the candle and guardian angel stuff since angels are not like humans nor do i think they would be able to make u do anything... Unless what you got is actually a demon... which i believe the best thing right now is to like call a pastor or go to a church and ask for help as soon as possible... a cross on your hand will do nothing for you... the cross can't save you God can.... tell the "demon" to leave in the name of the Lord. and then pray to be covered in jesus's blood...
Can you talk to someone about this, like your father?
Sounds like an over active imagination brought on by.....
Talk to your doctor. Talk to someone.
this could totally be a gag post...but if it isn't i can't leave you hanging. sounds like you're interacting with a demon. pray in the name of Jesus for protection, or command it in the name of Jesus to leave, or, if you're really having a tough time getting rid of it you can sing and worship God. Make up songs to Jesus if you don't know any, or if you have a radio near by find a christian radio station and maybe sing along if you can. oh, if you have your bible near you read some verses out loud. Psalm 135 comes to mind. Furthermore, if you don't act afraid it will likely back off, they feed on fear. wow, someone will probably rip this post apart.