A semi truck just side swiped my car and took off. What should I do?


New member
Sep 5, 2008
I was driving when a MayFlower Semi Truck side swiped my car. I have significant damage to my car and the driver didn't pull over. When the police were called I gave him the License plate number and the officer said that number wasn't in the system. What should I do next? My car is really messed up! I have all the info about the truck. Any advice is greatly appreciated
My insurance company will fix the car tomorrow if I pay the 250 deductable. Should I get it fixed or wait? (will that hurt my case?)
Go to your insurance company, with the license number. They'll handle the rest. They can track the license number through Mayflower. It helps to know the exact time and place of the accident, too, because then, if you're off by just one digit or something on the license, they'll still know which trucks were in the area.

If you're uninsured, then you'll need to do this, yourself. But be sure to file that police report.