A question for gay guys.?


May 13, 2008
Ok, well i've just recently come out of the closet and i'm really scared about everything. I'm very shy about my sexuality and i was just wondering, do gay men find that as a turn on? To be somewhat nervous and somewhat naive that is. Or is that a turn-off
Not a turn on, but not a turn off either. It's whatever. I prefer a guy who is confident about it, but not flamboyant about it. It really turns me off if a guy denies it in front of people for his sake or whatever.
it doesnt matter.
I think almost EVERY gay guy can relate to that.
I am exactly like you.
but my boyfriend understands.
later you will get more and more used to it,and a little more open.

I like guys like that.
because I am a very private person also.
Thats ok... but i mean that wouldn't make me want someone. You're shy... well i can find that a turn off unless they come out of their shell when they talk to you.
No, it's fine, to me atleast. Everyone goes through that and sometimes it lasts forever. For some it can be a turnoff, but you're most likely very young and it's just a tough time for you. Stay strong!
To some it might be a turn on because they can relate to them being so new to things and feel like they are helping them be more comfortable with who they are!

Ive met people who find that a turn off because they want to be with someone who is confident with their sexuality!

But i dont know! To me it dosnt matter! Its the person that matters!