A joke got a little out of hand?


Mar 26, 2008
I was staying over at my friend's house while her parents were out last night. My friend has a peanut allergy and I thought it'd be a funny joke to give her a slice of cake with nut traces. I thought she'd get a rash or something, nothing major. I clearly underestimated the severity of her allergy as, instead of a rash, her face swelled up and she lost consciousness. Now I figured she'd wake up in the morning back to her usual self, if a little angry, so I went to bed.
I just looked in on her in the living room. She doesn't appear to be breathing and there's no pulse, so I'm pretty sure she's dead.
So before I call the ambulance should I loot her purse? I've just checked it and there's three hundred quid in there; it's not like she needs it anymore
You may be going to prison for LIFE IF she is dead.

So you murdered her and now want to steal her money?

What a jurk!
yanno id did the same thing i just thought i better leave her yanno noone will miss her dont worry and deffo yanno she aint gonna be usin it anytime soon