A girl in class was flirting with me and all. But yet was touching me too. Why


New member
Aug 5, 2008
was everyone laughing at me? When I told her to stop touching me? Then one of her friends comes up to me and askes me if I was gay or something. This girl is a knockout. Trust me on this one. No I am not gay I replied. Not in the least. I just believe in equal rights. Why should she touch me but I would get hell had I touched her. And we are in a political science class where the professor seems like a dick and would not like interruptions. I don't think I like this girl. She seems like a tease and a bully. Now people are spreading rumors about me and making fun of me. I'm a little older than most of the students but not that old either. Why do I have to put up with this before I punch someone in the face?