A Day of Thanks.....


New member
Mar 12, 2008
A quick note of recognition and thanks to all the ladies in our lives who have made so many sacrifices to and for our children. Here in the US. "Mother's Day" is a day of flowers and brunches, cards and gifts. It can be breakfast-in-bed, crayon-drawn pictures from toddlers and maybe a gift-card to the local day-spa.

For us married guys in the MA, I think its important to remember that sometimes following the MA path means taking time to do things that cause the spouses and mothers in our lives to bear a bit more of the burden for watching after the kids. !!!! I thought it might be worthwhile to let those special people in our lives know that this effort does not go unrecognized.

Best Wishes,

Already wished all the mothers I know a very happy Mother's Day! Still, have to cook my Mrs. a nice dinner yet...