a book i am writing with some intresting thoughts and advice

We can go half a year without eating? I've seen dogs who have been neglected for a few weeks. And i can tell you they were never going to last 6 months without eating. I only know of one case where a human was able to go a year without eating. That man was morbidly obese, supervised by doctors and lived on a diet of nutrient and vitamin supplements with some water every day.

I crave meat when I don't get any because my body is looking for it's regular supply of protein and fat and iron amongst all the other very healthy things in meat. Amazingly if I don't eat fruit for a while. Same thing happens. Don't even think about cutting off my supply of Nutella.
I'll consider posting a video of me doing the teapot dance, if the op makes a sensible, sane, rational and coherent post with 100% correct graofftopicr, spelling, punctuation and paragraphing. And if the post is really good, I might even do the dance wearing a Little Black Dress!
there more keys to martial arts then just forms and as to forms the first key in truth before you can ever even do a proper punch is alignment of the body and i am guessing many have not heard this, i do not mean just a quick alignment or worthless kyropracty i mean full alignment undoing all the times you twisted left and came up still twisted to the left and tried to recenter in a quick move it did not do so , if you feel your spine bones for a moment yyou will notice their alignment witch is pretty broken, you may want a book on how to aligne but it is much easier then that for you can feel your alignment and a natural ability of all beings is to know how to aligne you just try and alinge every day and keep at it and the more you aligne the more obvious and easy the algineing moves will become, their are vital energies that flow through your bones and your chara system that cut off with dissalignment for each next move you have two options a dissaligning move or an aligning move, you can tell the aligning move from the dissalgining move, for it has the least resistance agisnt it think of the different posiible moves to do and feel the resistance and the ease, if you have a hard time relaxing then you have dissalgned your body, the easiest move is the best move for the bodys system the easiest next move is the healthiest this is the way of water going the easiest path, moving water gains air if you resist you proper easy move that the body does not resist as much, and they are full moves you may have to move your arms while raing or lowing or even added move your legs in certain ways while do so to aligne but it willl be the easiest move and your body will tell you if you listen to it, beside the basic aligning principals there are also thoughts, ones throughts must be strong to think truthfully in truths not lies is to think poowerfully, truth is strong lies are not, there is also more, also to aligning there will come a day for those who take martails arts of the traditional fasion learnign the chis and go toward aligning when you might be blocked, the kenetic system is important and each part effects another poo can block back alignement and it will happen you must fast and drink water all day long every hour and clean not clorinated like aqwafina, and get your bowls clear for pressure from them can block spinal alignment possiblity, during this time, you sould know and respect moral arts, respect for all beings aka aligning your moral,, a key to those who truly seek the full traditional martail chi kung of kung fu or ju jitsu using chi hits and stuff for logjevity must know moral true moral standards are your guide what is good and what is evil forgetting the saying they tought an innocent being is an innocent being and it is morally evil to kill it or eat it especially a baby seeds and such, fighting for a true life of true moral keeping hydrated it is said truly followed you will find immortality. besides alignment as said there is moral and really it means fully moraly aligned so all you would not make the line being non respecters of every being but you can always try. the true fact that the planets are here and it took them eating nothing to grow is a truth and truth can help you for in truth that same way of growth is a thing of our being for we are also aprat of the universe and that is what i meant by having some martail realtion to those who know the roots of all martial arts in chi kung, and actuall working chi's for the real kung fu and other involve many principalsof chi and no matter how modernized it becomes is still the original one that is knug fu with the chi's and not their forms only bs, not calling anyone bs, but if you don't have a stright spine then you have yet to learn that is a basic of the art, and i myself am a novice master of chi kung and have already invented my own persnal martail art as chi kung is the art you can make a kung fu type art with and it was a ki gong master who invented kung fu and qi gong masters that made the other style, and i am a reincarnated master and body alignment is key fully first of all things and full body the legs and arms and skull and skin. many who take this seriously will find after a few days of more and more aligning moves you do the relief of long time pain in the body also a higten annoyace, if you move and hear a pop or crack then you did a wrong move and broke a kentic system when properly aligned that great pressure will be a flying fist aor a chi puslee like when you get a tingling in spine go up to your mind you know the proper move by feeling your body resist a move the more you alinge and don't go agist your body resisting telling wrong move worng move the easier it will become, and fasting on way to full body alignment for the begging day of martial training will forsure be essential and also proper hydration drink lots of water each day
Some maofftopicls fast for hibernation, which can last several months, but maofftopicls fasting for that period of time while remaining fully active? You've been on the prana again, haven't you mate?........

Our basic cells are the same as WHAT, exactly? I'll grant you there are similarities between animal cells of different species (the absence of cell walls for instance) but they are not the same - the information stored in their nuclei (DNA) is not only species-specific, it is organism-specific. If you studied Biology up to grade 10, you should know that.

Humans have evolved as omnivores. We have canine teeth to rip meat and molars to grind vegetation. Choosing to eat meat may not fit with your philosophy (a lot of people feel the same way) but I would question your assumption that the human body rejects consumed meat because it believes eating meat is automatically cannibalism. In my experience, humans can eat just about anything that isn't out-and-out toxic and their bodies will use whatever nutrients they can get out of it, no problem. In WWII, at the siege of Leningrad, the defenders were reduced to eating bread made from 50-60% sawdust, and boiling old leather for a meat substitute. (There were claims of true cannibalism too, but let's not get side-tracked.) Many died, but some survived. That's omnivorism for you.

One last thing - could you explain exactly what you mean by "heroiwens"? I've never heard the term before, and I'm curious.
I'm thinking I'm safe and you perverted lot are going to have to rely on your overactive imaginations!

Sorry to disappoint...

water path being the ease of movement path and you are a large majority water 50 or more percent drink water all day, hyradtion is key and ease of movement path going with the aligning moves, it could take you years to aligning but becoming a master takes time and this is becoming master of yourself you will learn witch point eases and another what movement of the leg empowers witch movement of the arm this is the true way to your martail arts learning and self empowerment master your alignment and you will self learn highly advanced accupressure as well as the body for as far as where to punch the vital arean what twist cause pains you will be a master of the body and healthier then you ever were in life
well besides the nuclei dna pattern the dna chemicals are the same same as the rest of the chemical the same, animal cells are the same thats why you learn animal cell and plant cell all animal cells are the same buddy the dna is a pattern of chemicals not different chemicals
Seriously, do you believe this drivel you're writing or are you just a very bad troll job?

And if you really believe it, surely you should be making the time and effort to post in a coherent, readable form with correct punctuation, spelling and graofftopicr!

For the record, I think you're three fries short of a happy meal!
That's disingenuous. Humans are made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms for the most part. Formaldehyde is made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Are we the same as formaldehyde? NO.
anyways it's topics and suggestions not saw usually just thought i would share the basic key of forms witch doesn't seem to be posted on a martial ki gong forum for any who took martial arts seriously like i did studdied the trditional laws of it, and know all martial arts are martial ki gong and if you learn the body then you will realize just by common sense knowing the body is a kentic system and for it to work kenticly proper aka not damage your body in punching it must be aligned properly, witch after tens of years of dissalignment could take a few years maybe but is the foundation of martial practice or chi kung also after starting alignment and not going agist your body resisting movment and going with the easy moves after sleep you may be stiff in a certain posture that if you take it will unstiffen the whole body your body is showing you the next easy move to align relly go knowledge when stiff after a work out your body showing you the postion to take by the time you align fully you will know the whole kenetic system and acupressure system i am undoing my dissalignment and haven't had it easier on my body, i don't get sick ever and my body functions better. just keep on trying and you will learn the art of aligning and every day the aligning becomes easier the more aligned you become and you will never have a head ache you will not have breaking kenetic systems all the time those pops and crack you hear when moveing that pop power will become you fists fury just like that knee tap that pops the leg up one slight movment of the wait proprly aligned can cause the world most furious fist ever seen, to fly forward on pulse like that knee jumping, before doing a move there are places you can press to enhance a moveor relieve a tntion you will experiment and find the logics of the system, and one great key to add is stop thinking in words to unlock the true thinking potential of the mind witch is much great and the proper state of the mind to learn such thing, in your natural thinking you were not born thinking words and they are limited, your real thinking is not so limited and will unlock you intellectual potential
sfsjfjkflfjffwfjfljfoifew'wfjhwfjhwfjkhwfknfsfn hfhfwhfwf.hwghjfwd,wgwgwdfiwgdhqdhKHDHhqohkjhdjahkjsyfifhwjfwkjfhjdhkjhkdbvuhsdkjhjjkeufuwfyuwifgjcnsbsnmcbskghaeiofuwiofhwfwfjkwhfjkw.wyfuidyuadhajdhaduhadkahdkdhuwierywkjdhkjdhdjhkjadhDJHKJHDKJHDKJHDDAIOUuqwetywsjdmsbfdhyjrejrrfdsd!!!hekjfhwrfhwiurywiuryurweeefjertuiefjljfqwjhfqwjjjskjlwofpierpuwrijkfn,mfnkjfhwehfwhfowhfrowherioweriowherfjnwejklwlfjhwfjwlejfwjehfiowejfoiwueriowroiwjerlwjlwkfjlwkjflwkjlwjfeuougoipeuriouto37u58uertjehgbdf7e98t734thddgbdmnbvasfue[0tw[fa;kfjv[phgueygeyriw'r903453uv 'q'efjawjhflasfou8ae7rt8wruojflsflalksjfvvjkejffjaffjslkfjfjslfkjwrnbfvdfv fjsflksjfpwsufawufpiwvjnfpafawufiwjfwjfwfjiwjf;fjvnjdkvjnsdfjiwfiuawpifuawifjvnsc[p0rtuoyeuityw9r76345639qith jq3kbvfscnmvvcv dfgijeiptutgh74tv8unf ojfasiofau0834t0veirfoaijvnjvkjdivjldkfvjadfpgb890e8t4-9w58tbnvfdljvldafjs;dfklgegjeoib9en09ewrb wwjfklasjfjksbvk;gfohirt9y8049704576wovbu nsjdjhflasj;asfdklkjc;vlqjmepofvei[ kljjkhdgiuudweir3ut38472873hjaslkdfa;kgkbm 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