94 talon slave cylinder?


New member
Apr 12, 2008
ok i just got a 94 eagle talon with the round body style not the older looking one its just a normal talon not awd and not a turbo just a normal 5speed talon my ? is how come everywhere i go to get a new slave cylinder they show me the same pic of the one i went and picked up in the first place cause the one i picked up in the first place it wont fit right when i put it u cant put the line on cause the engine mount is in the way like there is no way to put the line on it cause the engine mounts right on top of where u put the line pretty much i have like a hole 1 th of an inch between where i put the line and where the engine mount is and also the bleeder is not facing down eather and it dont look to much like the original idk someone please tell me where to get a stock one or somthing im pretty much stuck until then