6 pack abs... i only have 4 lol?


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Ok so iv had some nice abs since I was little (always did some sort of exercise sport or blabla) 18 now and heres my problem...

I want 6 pac abs, atm iv got the top 4 that are visible, with like... barely visible bottom 2!!
most of my friends are the same, and iv heard the bottom 2 are the hardest to get

SO - any1 know of any vids, sites or w/e to get these last 2, to get a nice 6 :D?
oh, and if your only gonna suggest doing more cardio - im bare skinny trying to get bigger, so thers like no body fat lol...
yeah that keg joke blabla doesnt work if i said '6 pac >>ABS<<'
fkin spaz
I'm sorry but I'd take that pack of six back to the shop - complain there's only 4 ;) haha jokingg :)
Sorry, crap joke. Sorry if I wound you up :)

Right. It's all to do with toning as you've probably guessed. You need to do more toning with the bottom two. You can buy straps that go around your lower belly and they vibrate. But they cost an arm and a leg :)
So, the cheaper versions.
1. Do situps, but instead of just doing normal ones focus of tensing your bladder/lower belly for about half an hour each day.
2. "Bowl tenses". Lay on your back (straight with arms stretched along the floor above your head), and lift your legs up about half a metre off the floor, and your arms the same. So you form a sort of bowl shape.
3. Box jumps. Start off crouching on the floor (like a kid playing with ants) then push yourself up into a jump, stretch your arms in mid air, and come down back to the crouching position. And repeat :)
4. Exercise ball. Lay on your back on a big exercise ball, feet touching the floor, knees in a 90 degrees angle position. Reach out towards the wall behind you with your arms, then push forward towards your ceiling.
5. Legs 11! Lay out flat on the floor, hands palm down either side of your ahem, bum. Then push against the floor, lift your bum and legs up, and point them straight towards the ceiling. Lower down really slowly, then repeat.

There's the top 5 to do :D

Could try these too..

Right, dinner's ready! Hope these help!

:D x
I have a 4 pack as well and I'm skinny but my body is 13% you need to to get your body fat lower then 10 once you do that you will have a 6 pack you may not look fat but u might have internel fat which is buried in your body the only way to get rid of this I'm sorry to say is cardio try to do an hour of cardio maybe high intensity intervel training google it after that do a full body work out after about a month of doing that for about a month you will have a full 6 pack good louck I'm doing this and Im starting to see my 5th and 6th abs do a body fat test get that body fat below 10 and people who say abs are down to genetics are fat and sit in the house all day good luck