5 Romantic Movies for 2012 Valentine’s Day


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Jul 1, 2011
The Valentine’s Day is coming on the way. It’s that time of the year again; when “red” means roses, heart-shaped balloons, peaking anticipations, tingly nerves, when “red” means LOVE. Love, is one emotion that sets us apart, the one thing that drives ‘life’ in the living. Here are our 5 favorite movies to watch in Valentine’s Day, to make the mood better.

Before sunrise
Before sunrise” is a scenic romantic wherein a young American ‘Jesse’ meets ‘Celine’, a French woman. They instantly get along with each other, and end up taking a walk in Vienna for a night. They discuss about a myriad of things candidly bearing the fact that they won’t meet again. Soon they notice a romantic connection between them. The cynicism of Jesse compliments the romantic giddiness of Celine. They spend the night at a park. The next morning they bid adieu agreeing to meet at the same place six months later.

The Notebook
Based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks, “The Notebook” is inspired by a true story. The film is a narration by a man named Duke. He tells a story from his notebook to a fellow patient in a nursing home. The story tells the classic story about rich women and poor men, a romance is torn apart by war, and the dream of eternal love story of all people.

A Walk To Remember
A bittersweet tale about life, hope…and a wind-like love of two teenagers who fell in love with each other. Set in North Carolina, we see here an old premise that’s beautifully done with Mandy Moore as Jamie Sullivan and Shane West as Landon Carter. A simple but heartfelt movie which delivers a powerful message about faith and love.4. The Notebook

Love Actually
The famous British romantic comedy film is a must watch film. The film stars famous stars and of course there is meaning and that can be attributed to anyone who is watching a silly movie, but touching it. A different perspective depiction of love, this film will open your eyes as well as entertain you with his story at the same time. By starring Hugh Grant, Keira Knightley and Emma Thompson, there is no reason to dislike this romantic comedy.

Love Story (1970)
From this film, and poster, we get the phrase “Love means never having to say you’re sorry”. “That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard” was star Ryan O’Neal’s response to those words two years later, when Barbara Streisand quotes the film in What’s Up, Doc? Ali MacGraw breaks the fourth wall by looking directly to camera in this poster, while O’Neal has perhaps noticed the copy of the book that sits strategically between the cast and the production credits. Love means never having to say “cash-in”.

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