4-year-old completely loses it when told Steve Nash is leaving the Suns


Jun 17, 2007
This was probably coming all along, but a cruel and either hilarious or disturbing (or both) parent, depending on how you look at it, filmed her daughter while breaking the news that her Phoenix-area hero, Steve Nash, was leaving for the Lakers.

The girl's priceless sobbing response? "Now I'll never get his autograph!" The rest is almost too much to even describe.

The initial face contorting when told that Nash was no longer a Sun is heart wrenching, but the despondent collapse, aggressive "I'm never going to like him anymore!" and eventual uncontrollable sobbing is a bit like watching a method actor go through the entire grief cycle in less than a minute. It's astounding and touching at the same time.

In fact, the video made such an impression that hours after it hit, Nash himself re-Tweeted a call out for more information about the girl or her mother so that he could send her his autograph.

Naturally, that incredibly effective response might lead some cynics to ponder whether the girl's mother was always just in it for Nash's autograph the entire time. If she was, that is one cruel -- and convincing -- Mommy.

Either way, at least we can all go to sleep tonight knowing that eventually, one way or another, this little girl almost certainly will get Nash's autograph, even if he'll be suiting up in gold and purple come fall 2012.

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