3yr old son about to meet his Dad for the first time.....what do i do?


May 21, 2008
So my Son is about to meet his father for the first time ever...long story....my question is, how do i approach it? Do I introduce him as Dad or take it slow and introduce as a 'friend' and then gradually work up to telling him he is his dad. I have mentioned it to my son a few times....just saying "we are going to meet a special person soon, and if you like him you can see more of him etc etc. he nods and agrees and talks about meeting this person...but i am hesitant to introduce him as Dad in case things go pear shaped.
Would love some advice...
spare me the whole 'bad single mum comments' i just want some ideas on how to approach it.
thanks :)
tell him its his dad! duhh say this is your dad!!! thatd suck to not know who your dad really is
I think you should introduce him as his father (maybe not "dad" or "daddy", but at least tell your son this man is his father); toddlers can understand more than most people expect of them, and if you lie, he might wind up being angry later. Or maybe you can have dad make the introductions, that way he can tell your son the role he plans on having in his life. To prevent things going pear-shaped, you could try showing your son pictures of his father so at least he knows what this special person looks like. :) Good luck!
dress him up as a clown and make him yell 'IM YOUR DADDY"!!!

see what happens