3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

Apr 17, 2009

Wasn't it wonderful that Peter finally got his Oscar for the films....!!

We are all very proud of him and everyone that worked on the film.
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

Wait... can you see that? There! See?

It's just there... *points*.

I can't make out what it is *looks intently*

Whats IS THAT?!? *looks closer*


Ah!! It's a bit of NZ pride showing through!!

Well, um, congrats Pete. Jolly good show.
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

I was hugely impressed by the efforts shown by all the cast and crew. especially how the writers didn't totally massacre the book(okay they did in bits) a brilliant adaptation of what is a tremednous story. Still got the extended version to wait for
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

It's all rubbish and who is Peter Jackson? One of the Jackson 5?
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

yer he did alot of work, but I didnt hear much for the un named extras, that worked our butts off. but i know everyone is thrilled. cant wait till he gets back here to start King Kong. Hoping he calls a few fighters back, itll be great.
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

About time too.

Dissapointed that there wre no actor nominations though - I thought Sean Austin & Viggo Mortensen were both awesome!
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

Awesome films, but I still remain a die hard fan of the books...
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

Me too! The films are VERY good - but the books have a depth that the films can only hope to give an overview of.
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

You should all go rent "Bad Taste." That is by far Peter Jackson's best work...*snicker. Enjoy!
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

Braindead was so terrible (as in bad acting, not gore) that I refuse to ever watch another Peter Jackson film. In fact, I hate him and LOTR so much I didn't even read past the first post before adding my own rambling opinions
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

I agree what about a film of the silmarilion i'm sure everyone would be able to follow that
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

Glad to see some people agree
I still miss Tom Bombadil...
Tom Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadilooooooooooo!
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

You're telling me, I just got done reading through the rescue of frodo and sam in the book after the ring's destroyed, there really are a lot of neat things that you don't get in the movie, can't really blame them though. If they added all that stuff, they'd be spending the rest of their lives making these movies. Anyways, I wish Sean Asting and ANDY SIRKHAS got some kind of nominations. They were both spectacular, as was the fellow who played Theoden! His should have been for the two towers, though. He was a monster of an actor in that movie, still put on one hell of a show in the return of the king, though. I think there's even a scene where he passes the kinghood to eomer that we'll be seeing in the extended edition, too!

Legolas: Wait a second, where'd the show go?
Aragorn: It was in my satchel a moment ago...
Gimli: Look, it's that thieving theoden, he's taken it and he's running off! That confusticated rascal!
Theoden: Tee hee!

Anyways, I think John Rhys-Davies said it best in the cast commentary for the two towers: "There's not a bad actor on this set."
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

I watched the Towers today. I haven't read the book yet, but maybe I'll get round to it now when I'm recovering from the surgery
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

Couldn't agree more

Sad to say i havent read the books yet, but am half way through The Hobbit.
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

Just wrapping up the LOTR book myself, you'll definitely thank yourself for reading the hobbit first, a lot of stuff in LOTR you wouldn't get at all without reading it.
3 BIG cheers for Peter Jackson & LOTR!!!

While its good that LOTR's got the recognition for its work and been a great set of films which I love! I think the Oscars are just purile "lovvie" dirt back-patting, there are lots of really fantastic films made every year that dont even get a look-in just because the pampered Hollywood dregs cant either understand them or find them too "indie", screw the Oscars. Its a mainstream biggoted fest! Let them get on with their face lifts and ego enlarging!