2degrees Tops Mobile Phone Provider Customer Survey


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
The major telco providers were bested by low cost operator 2degrees in a new mobile phone provider customer satisfaction survey from Canstar Blue, released today.The survey asked 2,144 people about their mobile habits. 2degrees received a 5 on Overall Satisfaction, with Skinny in second and both Telecom New Zealand and Vodafone New Zealand in third. Skinny and Telecom New Zealand both scored 5 in coverage with 2degrees and Vodafone New Zealand receiving 4.
Also under the microscope were Kiwis’ mobile phone habits, which showed Gen Ys to have the most dangerous texting/talking while driving habits. This group were also most likely to sneak a peek at their partner’s phone.
Derek Bonnar, Canstar New Zealand General Manager says that Gen Ys have some less than desirable habits when it comes to mobile phones.
“Nearly one in five regularly talk or text while driving, putting themselves and others in danger.”
According to studies, a person using a mobile phone while driving – either hands free or hand held – is four times more likely to have a serious crash resulting in hospital attendance.
Canstar Blue has tracked mobile phone use while driving for the past two years, and the incidence of text/talk while driving has not worsened during 2013.
With the holiday driving season approaching, Bonnar says it is a timely reminder of the dangers of being distracted on road trips.
The temptation to spy on one’s partner was strongest for Gen Ys, with 1 in 4 confessing to secretly looking through their partner’s phone. Baby Boomers were the most trusting with only 5% peeking at their partner’s phone.
