1st is adam and eve who was created by jesus christ and he who was created


May 31, 2008
by god then who created god ? please dont answer in a way of saying he is all mighty because that in the word of science is just not possible everything that is or that was is made of matter and or leaves a micro matter trail of what was there you cant just pop up out of know where and just be something has to be created by another form of something else please help need this answer if at all possible
ok every one so far has said he just god and he can do that well i still think that, that is crap ask yourself this why him , why is he the only one with this self given gift , to defiy the space of time and matter , life and death , why not anyone else, why only him , is what everyone preaches too is just a inner stream of energy which is too be the cause of all life ( gia the life stream ) i have to ask this question because i dont belive that an entity can just BE so please stop telling me he just is who he is that just tells me that people are too scared to question because of what the bible say's we will go to hell for the questioning of god's existince........who or how was god created there has to be something before the next event can take place cause and effect
Jesus was not created.

God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are not part of nature and do not abide by natural laws; the rules of science do not apply to them.

God always existed, and always will. God is not made of matter, the scriptures say He is Spirit, and abides in the Spirit. The transfiguration transformed Jesus' physical, natural body into a spiritual body no longer bound by natural laws.

Science will NEVER be able to explain spiritual phenomena.
By nature, the Creator doesn't need to be created, does he? When I was a lot younger, (Maybe.) I used to play with Lego's. Obviously those manufactured pieces of plastic weren't bound to the same laws I was. I suck at metaphors, but yeah.
The Creator was not created
You think Science can measure/analyze God Almighty?
Isa 43:10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

Isa 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.
What is possible in science is energy. The infinite source and always is and always was.

Some call this very force of life "God".

So, in this sense, and many others, there can be no creator. But surely you realize that the true God that every religion follows about is not a big white guy in the sky, but all that ever was and is. No micro-managing. All religions follow the same basic moral guidelines and principles. Many Adams, and many Eves. Science has not yet explained how intelligent humans came to be.
God has always existed. Yes, Adam & Eve were created by God. And, Christ is God in the flesh. He was fully man, and fully God. He did this so He could defeat Satan and death, and restore life to His children and the world. Don't think on it as a physical problem, one that science can define, think of it in a spiritual mind. All things are possible through God.