16 year old driving manual jeep wrangler, HELP!?


New member
May 9, 2013
So for the past year, I have been searching for a car for myself because my parents said if I funded around 1/2 of my car they would pay the rest. I have finally raised around $3,000 I really like the Jeep Wranglers because you can find them cheap and they really don't age at all. I was born in 97 and I have found a 97 Jeep that is PERFECT for me. I'm turning 16 in around 4 months so I was trying to get my car early so I could practice because it is a stick shift. I really like stick shifts because I feel like it's something everyone should know how to do and it's impossible to text and drive. How long would I need to practice before yall think it would be safe for me to drive by myself? PLEASE do not give me speeches about how I shouldn't be driving a Jeep because I really think that I can handle it because I am a responsible girl!!
It really depends on the person, but it shouldn't be too long. You'll just need to focus a lot of time on starting, and then starting on hills. Once you can consistently start on a hill without rolling, you're good to go.

BTW, I know from experience that it is in fact possible to text while driving stick ;)

Also BTW: awesome choice of vehicle. Just don't blow all your money on it, you'll need some left over for gas. Mileage in the high teens can be hard to swallow :/
Jeeps make the easiest sticks to drive. You can learn how to drive a stick in 20 mins and practice for a weekend and you will be great. You just need to get the hang of it. My friends drive to school with a stick jeep and don't even think when switching gears it just becomes a habit but like I said it doesn't take long to learn but depends on how long it takes for you, as everyone is different, to get the hang of it