11 year old son has bad allergies and complaining of dizziness?


New member
Mar 1, 2012
My 11 year old son is normal height/weight for his age.
He has been having bad allergy attacks for the past few days. He gets itchy eyes, cough, runny nose, and sneezing real bad. This morning before school he was saying that he was dizzy when he stood up so I let him stay home from school. He was pretty much resting all day playing video games/watching tv and seemed fine.
When he was going to bed this evening he called me in his room and said "Mom I'm scared to go to sleep cause the dizziness came back". I took his blood pressure (I'm a medical assistant) and his blood pressure was 116/74 and his heart rate was 91.
Could the dizziness be because of the allergies? He has ADHD and has been on medication for the ADHD for several years with no problems. Is there a way that I can tell if he really is dizzy or if he's just faking so he can get out of school?