10 myths women have about men

booksie_girl - expect taht any man you meet will behave according to the guidelines in this list, and then watch to see where he does better. Most will do worse. Sorry, honey, but it's best you learn that early than late. Just remember you are in control because you have what we want. or at least, you will have, eventually... :/
Sad to say, he has a point. Most guys will do most of what this says but there will be some if not a lot that he is better than, and a lot that he isnt. Just hope you find one of us good one lol

hummmm jack....... are we having girl problems
Haha. I'm bitter, yes, mainly because I see this happen to so many friends of mine! (And i used to be like it too but my last 2 relationships have been fine)

I figured it all comes down to being confident, being the alpha male. You can be sweet, surely, but do it because of actual appreciation and not out of this selfish clingy "If I do this she'll fall in love with me!" attitude. Its this clingy nice guy attitude that drives women away. Women are way more attracted to guys that show less interest in them and genuinely engage them, not just plead and beg for their attention.

1. Not true at all. It might appear that way, but in reality we are very keenly interested in what you have to say: reconnaissance!
2.My mother used to hit harder and more regularly with more passion than my karate teacher, so, no.
3.well yes, sex forms an important part of my mental repertoire. But it often takes second place to money, beer, fun etc.
4.No, I don't have a lot of money, I will just do (**edit**) near anything to get you into bed with me
5.This is not true at all. Sleeping with me on a first date sends a very, very positive message.
6.This all depends. If you mean 'will I stop washing my nunchucks in the kitchen sink if you live with me', then hell, yes!
7. I am only interested in your sexual history if it turns me or you on or if it includes my brother, STDs or animals.
8. Make the first move. For god's sake. Have some sense of fair play...
9.It all depends.
10.Wrong. If I get a cold, you have to put up with me snuffling and lying in bed and using all the handkerchiefs.
1 - disagree completely! Can't stand a woman if she can't stimulate me intellectually. Some things I could care less about though, it's normally the chicks without half a brain. e.g. some random adds me on ICQ and starts talking about her kids... WHAT THE HELL?!

2. Not as far as I'm aware, there'd be a lot of fights if that was the case.

3. Pft. Martial arts comes before sex

4. I don't use money to impress.. If I'm throwing money away, chances are I've fallen hard!

5. haha, most likely!

6. Nope.

7. yeah, I don't want the town bike

8. Why not? Saves me from having to do it.

9. Once she'd been broken in I'd throw her away..

10. Some, not all!
Sorry to have to do this Knight_errant, but will have to edit your last post. There was a word or two that i wont let into any thread i start. You know the word im talkin about.
hmm. This is all very interesting. I agree with VT though. You can't classify anyone, male or female. We're all different. Some guys might fit the test, some won't. I say if we get rid of stereotypes, just be ourselves, and have fun, we'll all find worthwile people to be with. If you want that.
Whoa.. They think that!?!?

Lol.. Just kidding. I'm not particularly siding with any of it, nor turning away. Hard to explain.. But I want someone who acts like my Mom!? That's pretty gross. Yeah.. Umm.. Never put that thought in my head ever again..

Well, I guess it's true that I don't listen to them. I don't listen to much of anyone, actually. Call it a habit.
1.. Men are not interested in what women have to say
2. Men want somebody who is just like their mother
3. Men only think about sex
4. He's spoiling me, so he must have plenty of money
5. If I sleep with him on the first date, he won't respect me
6. I can change him
7. Men are interested in my dating history
8. Men don't like women who make the first move.
9. Men prefer inexperienced women
10. Men are strong
I think we need a womens version of this poll (Kickchick, KGirl, Booksie?) to even things out. I think women SAY they want a nice stable, good guy, but then they date the 'dangerous' types. I think the comparison would be, they marry the accountant, but want to date the biker. Kind of like the guy dates the blonde bimbo cheerleader, but marries the schoolteacher. Sorry if this steps on any toes (blonde kickchick????).

Oh and Booksie? WHAT A CUTE LITTLE KITTY!!!!!!!
Sure, I'm all ears if a girl wants to talk about her naked body or martial arts (#1), but surprise surpise, sometimes I'm interested in other things too.

#7 is false for me but I have friends who would answer differently.

#3 is an exaggeration. Men also think about pizza, beer, sports, cars, action movies, and our individual hobbies too. It's just coincidental that action movies frequently have sex scenes and/or sexy ladies, and it's just coincidental that sports and auto magazines have pictures of sexy ladies.

The mens' commentaries on #4 and #10 are true.

#6 and #8 are definitely true.
You like my kitty Kwaji, aww It actually doesn't look as demented as it did in the original (the kitty drug thread)
1.Hey, I enjoy talking, just normaly...dosn't bother me.

2. Men want somebody who is just like their mother
"Men do want somebody who will love them like dear old Mom," admits Eric, 42. "But sometimes Mom also annoys us; we don't want you to be like that. So love, nurture and spoil like her — just don't be her."

3. We don't only think about sex, we do think about it, but yes I know it's a suprise but we do think about OTHER stuff.

4. Yea, what the said, we spend more then we would on areselves jsut to make you happy. Witch usualy means making yourself near broke.

5. Now that depends, I could still get married to someone I sleep with on the first date...it's just how you treat me after, if your just a slut..well yea you'll lose my respect at least.

6. What the guy said, we can't be changed...sorry. lol

7. What he said, don't even want to know who've you've been with, don't mind listening to history but if other guys come in...not the best things to talk about.

8. What he said, feel free to make the first move, dosn't bother me.

9. Coudn't care less about this one.

10.When I see any girl get mad, and start yelling and give you those evil glaring eyes...I tend to get out of the way.
I have not read all the post but.....I will say most men don't listen like they should.They hear but don't seem to listen And If man likes me don't talk to the hand or to the back of my head!Get close to me..... And look me in my eyes..... And speak to me from your HEART.
I voted yes on a whole, but disagree with some of them:

1) No. It depends on my mood whether I'm interested in what ANYONE has to say or not. Usually, when I talk to anyone, I am interested in what they have to say, or else I wouldn't talk to them in the first place.

2) Gross. I don't want someone who pampers me. It doesn't feel right when my mom tries to do it, it wouldn't feel right when someone else did it either.

3) 90% true. But you must be a moron (Yes, I am making a personal attack because this is a stupid assumption) to think that it's our fault. It's like blaming a woman for PMSing. It's in our HORMONES. I'd like to just stop thinking about it, but I can't do much, now can I?

4) First thing I let people know is that I'm flat broke.

5) I'd take it as a compliment if I was so irresistable to you that you'd HAVE to have me, and couldn't wait.

6) Not gonna happen. Maybe some rational things, like I dunno, changing my eating habbits a bit for the better, but if she starts nagging, then it's bye bye.

7) Are women intersted in a man's dating history or something?

8) Why would I want to risk being rejected when someone else can do it?

9) It can go both ways I suppose.

10) I have good and bad days. Some days I pull stuff off I never thought I could do, others I break down seemingly over nothing.
