1,000th Member!

It's Sammy!


No cash prize that I'm aware of, but please inundate this member with messages of welcome!

Awesome .... we've had alot of new members this week!!

Any prizes for member referrals???

{{{{{{{{WELCOME SAMMY!!!!!!!!!!!! }}}}}}}}}}}}}
Welcome to Sammy the 1000th menber of M.A.P!

And well done to M.A.P admin/mods for making the M.A.P grow in to the beautiful flourishing entity it has become!
Don't get me wrong .... I love seeing MAP gaining popularity with the influx of new members, but it has been my experience that "less is more" ....
IMO, It is far more benefitting to a forum to have 1,000 "active", knowledgeable, mature and respectful martial artist members posting than a kabillion (insert choice of adjective) members, many whom may be inactive.

Kudos to the MAP admin./and very fine moderators!
Thank you for the welcome. Feeling very privileged to be your 1000th member. You sure that I can't demand a small prize, or at least a welcome hamper.

I have to say this site is great, not that I am sucking up or anything
Welcome to MAP Sammy sorry I'm a bit lat welcoming you but my computer has had aliens in it and not been working properly
