'03 kia, got ANOTHER new alernator, broke down again. HELP! what could be doing this?


New member
Dec 20, 2008
This is the second alternator that we have put in this car. We have had the battery tested and the electrical system tested. They came to the conclusion that we had a bad alternator. My husband went and got the parts place to replace the alternator that they had ordered for him. He then found out that the one they ordered was a rebuild (that I might add they charged the price of a new one) and " sometimes this happens with the rebuilds they get". The alternator they replaced that one with, they tested when it came in and it appeared to be fine. My husband drove it to work and back (approximately 50 miles round trip). He told me he thought he noticed a flicker when he left to go to the store last and this morning he made it only 8 miles out of town, to the same spot he broke down in the first time. This is getting seriously expensive with towing and all, please.....we need to get this fixed and soon. Any ideas?
All I can tell you about the problems the car is having other than the alternator crapping out, is that it will start, run and drive fine. Then, all the lights will start to flicker, then headlights will go dim (almost off) and it will quickly lose power, while driving it. Then, after you stop, it will run sluggishly for a few seconds and then die. If you try to start it after that happens, it will try for a second and then - click, nothing. When my husband had the electrical system checked out, they told him that everything they tested going into the alternator was fine, but there was no output. This is really all I can tell you about it. When the lights aren't flickering and dying, it runs and drive like it did before all this started to happen. I might add that the first time it happened, and this time, it is bitterly cold outside, if that could have anything to do with it.