
  1. M

    How much does it cost to take care of a rat yearly?

    How much does it cost to take care of a rat yearly? im thinking about getting 1.
  2. A

    Are rabies yearly rabies shots necessary?

    Before you type your opinion, go read both sides of the story and mention only facts. I live in California and they are still yearly here, I know in 30+ states it's every 3 years. What can I do when I have to take both my boxers for the yearly shots if it's a proven fact that the rabies shots...
  3. M

    how much do automotive road testers make yearly on average?

    i am looking into the career of automotive road testing, and i just wanted to know if anyone knew how much they made per year on average? i do want a real answer, numbers if possible, thanks.....
  4. T

    What's the yearly income for internet cafe's?

    From what i have calculated out, the minimum income of an internet cafe would be around $60,000 per year, and maximum of $100,000 not excluding utilities/rent etc. I was wondering what people think of my projections and am also looking for opinions/feedback. How much would it cost to buy 30+...
  5. J

    What is the yearly cost of a new VW Jetta S including oil changes and basic

    maintenance? thank you! (if you have an insurance estimate too that would be wonderful!)
  6. S

    what could you do to decrease the percentage of yearly decay on a vehicle?

    list some factors