
  1. N

    LG Xenon has run out of memory.?

    I have deleted *everything* but a few contacts, but it still says I only have 756 kb left. This is really annoying because when I got it 5 years ago, it had around 100 MB left... where did it all go? Yes, I have an SD card installed but the dang thing won't let me save text message attachments...
  2. T

    How do you transfer ringtones/songs onto an LG Xenon?

    I want to transfer the mp3 files I already have on my computer to the phone. When I open it up and attempt to view the folders, I can't do jack shit. The phone has a USB cable but that's it. No SD card or CD or anything. The computer can read the phone just fine, I just can't seem to find a way...
  3. T

    How do you transfer ringtones/songs onto an LG Xenon?

    I want to transfer the mp3 files I already have on my computer to the phone. When I open it up and attempt to view the folders, I can't do jack shit. The phone has a USB cable but that's it. No SD card or CD or anything. The computer can read the phone just fine, I just can't seem to find a way...
  4. T

    How do you transfer ringtones/songs onto an LG Xenon?

    I want to transfer the mp3 files I already have on my computer to the phone. When I open it up and attempt to view the folders, I can't do jack shit. The phone has a USB cable but that's it. No SD card or CD or anything. The computer can read the phone just fine, I just can't seem to find a way...
  5. J

    How much is unlimited texting for lg xenon with either Fido, Rogers or Bell?

    I want to get an LG xenon (gr500r), but i want to know how much the monthly plan costs for unlimited texting. I'd prefer knowing all of the plans for all 3 of those companies, but mostly i want to know for Fido or Rogers. I tried checking their main websites, but i couldn't find any solid...
  6. D

    Does anyone know if the make an extended life battery for the lg xenon?

    LG GR500 is the model number... I couldn't find anything. Standard battery size is 950mAh
  7. C

    witch phone is better samsung pursuit 2 or lg xenon oh and what color two?

    thnx guys i need to kno quickly though so just hurry biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  8. K

    How do you access the front camera on the LG Xenon?

    i bought a lg xenon from bell and i see that it has a front camera, but i cant find out how to work it. please help me!!!!!
  9. C

    Can you save pictures, videos, and audio to your sim card on he LG Xenon?

    I got a new phone and I really want to get some videos, pictures, and audio off of my LG Xenon and onto my new phone. And I don;t have a memory card. So is there any way to save them to my sim card?
  10. M

    what phone do i get after lg xenon?

    i want an upgrade from it what can i get?
  11. R

    HELP! WHY is the screen on my LG Xenon black? How can I fix this?

    I purchased my lG Xenon in December, 2009, and up until recently, it's been a truly enjoyable phone. I rarely had any problems. But for the past few weeks, it has finally started to act up. I've always been very, very careful with my phone and can't recall doing anything that would ever cause it...
  12. A

    how to fix an lg xenon's touchscreen?

    my lg xenon's touchscreen completely stopped working. what can i do to fix it and/or is there a way i can access my inbox w/o using my touchscreen? HELP PLEASE!!!!
  13. M

    LG Xenon contacts problem?

    I added some contacts to my LG Xenon/LG GR500R and it was going fine. But when I saved the contacts and there were messages from them in my inbox, the messages would show the numbers but not the contact's name. Then I switched it off and turned it back on and found that all my contacts were...
  14. J

    hid xenon, for mercedes benz parking light?

    okay so im in a bit of a situation, i have 30k hids on my low beams, but my parking lights are yellow, im looking for a 30k conversion kit to match the low beams, but i cant seem to find the bulb type conversion kit for them, do they not make hids for parking lights, or will i have to get led?
  15. C

    How do I get my Lg Xenon off of Emergency Only mode?

    It won't let me make outgoing calls or texts and stop incoming ones. It is 10:50 pm and I just got it about 12 hours ago and this problem started maybe 1 hour ago. I tried restarting it, taking the battery out. It's not locked I know that for sure.
  16. C

    How do I get my Lg Xenon off of Emergency Only mode?

  17. B

    How do i clear my memory on my xenon lg?

    I really wanna get on tumblr, but i't says " out of memory". so i really need to clear my memory so i could get on tumblr.
  18. J

    lg xenon games where to get and which game?

    do u kno any good games and from which site?
  19. J

    lg xenon games where to get and which game?

    do u kno any good games and from which site?
  20. S

    How do i set a text tone for an Lg Xenon?

    So i have an Lg Xenon and i was wondering how to set a specific text tone for a specific contact, Ive tried everything and i cant seem to figure out how to do it. Can someone help me please.