
  1. N

    NEVER need to worry anymore for downloading too much stuff on the computer with this

    It undoubtedly will become a normal situation that the computer gets slower and slower if you keep downloading various files or programs without deleting. Surfing on the Internet makes the web browser get the chance to bring the computer with unnecessary files such as caches, temporary files...
  2. H

    How much do people worry about terrorism, in the context of traveling or other

    aspects of their lives? Are people generally too concerned with the possibility of terrorist attacks? Not concerned enough? This is the prompt for my 3-4 page essay that i'm having difficulty writing. What thesis and topics sentences would you write? Much appreciated.
  3. E

    High ALT levels for liver and high cholesterol - should I worry?

    Hello, I’ve just had some LFT results back. Everything is fine, except my ALT is 103 and my cholesterol is 6.7. When I last had these tests done in 2010, my ALT was 41. I had a prior issue with my liver two years ago, had an ultrasound, and it was fatty liver due to possible toxic medication...
  4. A

    30 by 30: Wedding Weight Worry Isn’t Just For Brides

    One of the most recurring obligations as a twenty-something adult is participating in the weddings of your friends. Over the years, I’ve used these weddings as a motivator to get my butt in gear and get my body in picture-ready shape. Sometimes I’ve been successful and felt great—other times...
  5. J

    What should I worry about when buying a used Porsche?

    I am looking at a 1986 Porsche 944 Non Turbo. The car has been totally rebuilt and is in immaculate condition. Here is the add. http://hickory.craigslist.org/cto/3569019946.html What should I worry about when making a purchase like this? Will the car need constant repairs? If this car...
  6. A

    Gwyneth Paltrow And Tracy Anderson Worry That Your Exercise Is Making You Fat

    Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP newsletter usually causes the most outrage when it's chock full of expensive product suggestions or advice on work-life balance from women who can afford personal chefs. But I have even more to say about today's topic: "Is Your Workout Making You Fat?" The letter is a plug...
  7. K

    Is it bad i told my gf i do care about her past but let worry about the future?

    im not judgmental but, it the past and it all depends on what the past is right ? like a cheating past or one night stands or pregnancy
  8. A

    if i used limewire to download years ago should i worry?

    i used limewire about 4-5 years ago when basically everyone used it, when i heard about torrents i did use them for a little while but i've stopped using it now (as tempting as it is to get free music and stuff :P)
  9. J

    is it bad i told my gf i dont care about her past let worry about the future only ?

    NEED SOME advice im not judgemental im just loss in a situation
  10. A

    Oh, Good–Another Deadly Multi-State E. Coli Outbreak To Worry About

    Food Safety News is reporting that the CDC has confirmed a deadly strain of E. coli has already sickened over a dozen individuals across six states, and lead to the death of one child in Louisiana. The worst part? They don't know what's causing it yet. More »Post from: Blisstree
  11. M

    I need someone who's not pmsing to tell me if I should worry about this? lol?

    I used to see my guy friend several times a week. It's been about a week since I hung out with him, though. Last week he started working full time and going to school full time and had his birthday and celebrations on Saturday. Since then he didn't return my calls or texts saying I'd like to see...
  12. M

    Should Google's new privacy policy worry you?

    [No message]
  13. A

    ‘People Should Not Worry About Salt Intake,’ says JAMA

    Nobody thinks that an excess of sodium is good for them, right? But just how much sodium is too much is hotly contested. And now to confuse things even further:*A new mega-analysis of salt studies says while a low-sodium diet keeps blood pressure low, it's actually linked to increased...
  14. M

    Followers of Christ: Does it worry you that Jesus is a zombie? Or do you...

    ...feel protected in any way by this? From the upcoming zombie apocalypse. Thank you for your mature and respectful answers.
  15. L

    I'm 18 on vacation, do I have to worry about a curfew?

    I'm in florida, wanting to go chill on the beach. Just wondering if curfews apply to me (if i'm considered a minor).
  16. U

    What is the mind-set of a person who will worry about a dead sattelite hitting...

    ...them in the next 24 hours? A huge, dead satellite tumbling to Earth is falling slower than expected, and may now plummet down somewhere over the United States tonight or early Saturday, despite forecasts that it would miss North America entirely, NASA officials now say. Read more...
  17. B

    Is it legitimate to worry that launcherpro for android might a be a front to

    steal personal data like SMS? or contacts, gmail, etc. I really wanna use it its a great app I'm just concerned would Lookout mobile security consider it malicious if it sent this data?
  18. S

    Why do people only worry about nutrition AFTER they go vegetarian?

    Does this bug anyone else? An ex-flatmate ate frosted sugared cereal for breakfast, white bread sandwiches for lunch and ready meals for dinner most days, decided to veg but was worried about getting healthy nutrition. Say WHAT? People just assume if they are eating meat they are eating a...
  19. T

    Should I worry about my friend/ex-love interest?

    Long story made short: I liked this girl, but lost the opportunity to ask her out after someone else got to her first. We're still friends and chat online occasionally. I had never previously met her boyfriend IRL, but based on circumstantial evidence, I think he's paranoid. For example, he...
  20. S

    my dog was attacked by a raccoon 3 days ago. should I worry it will come back and...

    ...attack again? the raccoon was running back and forth near our porch steps. it ran into the woods and straight to our dog and attacked it. we were not able to kill the animal. My dog is on 45 days quarantine although he had a current rabies vaccination and had to get a booster. I am afraid to...