
  1. T

    Study Reveals How Diabetes Drug Delays Ageing In Worms

    A widely prescribed type 2 diabetes drug slows down the ageing process by mimicking the effects of dieting, according to a stud using worms to investigate how the drug works. Following a calorie-restricted diet has been shown to improve health in later life and extend lifespan in a number of...
  2. T

    Parasitic Worms Treat Colitis Diarrhea In Monkeys

    US researchers have successfully treated monkeys with chronic diarrhea using parasitic worms that seem to work by restoring balance in gut bacteria. Their findings strengthen the case for developing and testing probiotic worm therapy for people with inflammatory bowel diseases like colitis...
  3. T

    Tube worms + hydrothermal vents question, please help! Ten points to...

    ...person who gives correct answer!? Would tube worms growing near hydrothermal vents be likely to be members of the same genus or the same species as tube worms growing in other marine environments? Explain
  4. L

    What to do if my puppy has worms?

    I brought a 5 month old mutt home from a shelter about 2 weeks ago and I noticed worms in his runny stool today. The vet can't get him in for another five days. 1.Is this too long to wait? 2.Can he get any sicker? (I leave him in a crate while I go to work, I'd hate to have him sick in his bed)...
  5. C

    I Have lots of white worms coming out my mouth, how do I get rid of them?

    at night I have lots of white worms appearing on my lip, actually crawling out onto my lip from my mouth. they seem to be getting bigger and bigger, I know what they are and stuff I just wanna know how to get rid of them without telling anybody :/
  6. E

    Found small worms in toilet bowl after vacation?

    I went away for 3 weeks and came back to find a few small nail sized worms in my toilet (http://www.flickr.com/photos/68734838@N02/6252521065/in/photostream). Do I have intestinal worms (I have no symptoms) or are they from the plumbing?
  7. T

    Microscopic Worms Could Help Open Up Travel Into Deep Space

    A space flight by millions of microscopic worms could help us overcome the numerous threats posed to human health by space travel. The Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) have also given experts an insight into how to block muscle degradation in the sick and elderly. The worms - from The...
  8. S

    Dream about envy and worms...?

    There's that girl in my high school, I had a dream yesterday and it was that this girl envied me and wanted to punish for having nice skin and hair ( Even though in reality its nothing like that, I do have nice skin and hair but I don't make it a big deal or brag or anything ) , so she wanted...
  9. F

    flea bites can transfer worms to dogs and cats. if you get a flea bite can...

    ...you get worms too? i have three dogs and two cats. i treat all my pets regularly for fleas and worms. i treat the fleas with "spot on" for fleas and certain worms and "frontline" (for fleas, mites ans ticks only doesn't treat worms) i treat my cats once ever 8 to 12 weeks and my dogs get...
  10. N


    i have treated my puppy twice with dewormer and had the vet also give him a shot and they still aint gone!! any suggestions on how to get get rid of them or what not i cant keep going back to the vet it cost to much.i dont want to lose my dog and i want these worms gone!!!!
  11. S

    What is the significance of leeches,worms in my dream?

    Last night I dreamt that I was looking for something in a lake or better said a pond. After this I was lying in bed with my fiance and suddenly I felt something odd on my body.When I stood up I saw on my butt and legs a lot of leeches and even a long thin worm(all clenched in my skin with...
  12. M

    Help puppy with worms!?

    My puppy was dewormed on Dec 23rd 2010...then got her 2nd shot on Jan 14th 2011....It has been a week and she is now pooping out live worms again several times a day. I called the vet and they claimed that this was because the shot is helping get rid of the worms, but I am confused because...
  13. M

    Help puppy with worms!?

    My puppy was dewormed on Dec 23rd 2010...then got her 2nd shot on Jan 14th 2011....It has been a week and she is now pooping out live worms again several times a day. I called the vet and they claimed that this was because the shot is helping get rid of the worms, but I am confused because...
  14. L

    are dog worms dangerous?

    my dog used to scratch his but on the floor and then he pooped and we saw little worms and one time i laid him on me and a worm was on my pants so is it bad?
  15. I

    My cat has worms. HELP!?

    I own 2 cats and I recently discovered that my longhair Siamese has worms. She's 3 years old and my other cat is 7. They have been living together for approximately 3 months. I first suspected the worms when I noticed stringy rice-like things attached to the hair near her anus. Then I saw one...
  16. D

    where should i keep my wax worms?

    Im not trying to breed them but i want them to last long. should i keep them in the fridge or in room temp?
  17. D

    where should i keep my wax worms?

    Im not trying to breed them but i want them to last long. should i keep them in the fridge or in room temp?
  18. D

    where should i keep my wax worms?

    Im not trying to breed them but i want them to last long. should i keep them in the fridge or in room temp?
  19. D

    where should i keep my wax worms?

    Im not trying to breed them but i want them to last long. should i keep them in the fridge or in room temp?
  20. D

    where should i keep my wax worms?

    Im not trying to breed them but i want them to last long. should i keep them in the fridge or in room temp?