
  1. A

    Mom Allegedly Discovers A Live Worm In Her Kid’s Capri Sun Juice Pouch And Understand

    I think Maria still has me and everyone else beat for the most disgusting story ever reported on Mommyish award, even though this one comes pretty close, but because I know you guys love you some gross stories I have to share this one with you. More » Mom Allegedly Discovers A Live Worm In Her...
  2. S

    Can trumpet snails be in both worm and cold water?

    Can you help me with trumpet snail bredding and story's about breading how fast they bread what temp of water they have eggs in why do they only bread in that kind of water ect?
  3. G

    Worm Run, Solve the Outbreak, and More

    Evade space worms, diagnosis an outbreak in a rural village, and read a little Charles Dickens. Nope, not retelling your dream from last night, just previewing a few of the things you can do with this round of the week's best iPad apps. More »
  4. N

    What app connects the iPod touch to the iPad to control the game mega worm?

    iPod touch remote control app
  5. G

    worm in taco bell food?

    i was about to take a bite to my taco loco when i noticed a worm moving on a piece of lettuce on the taco. what if any legal action is possible?someone please adv ise.the taco bell located on the corner of lindley and parthenia in reseda ca.
  6. T

    Study Of Marine Worm Community Improves Understanding Of Symbiosis In Human Gut

    Techniques used by researchers from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory to analyze a simple marine worm and its resident bacteria could accelerate efforts to understand more complex microbial communities such as those found in humans. In a paper published in the Proceedings...
  7. N

    When do I worm my goat kids? And pests.?

    Does anyone know the best way to get rid of pests on my baby goats? I have a couple of ticks on one. Several flies in the barn. This is the first big batch of kids that we have had with our bigger "barn" pull together. Also, does anyone have any suggestions on a wormer for my goats kids We...
  8. T

    Sea Worm Challenges Theory Of How Brain Evolved

    If you go far enough back along the branch of the evolutionary tree of life that humans sit on, you get to the part near the trunk where verterbrates (creatures with spines) split from invertebrates (creatures without spines). Current theories suggest the complex brain we share with our...
  9. C

    What are the options heart worm treatment. ?

    I rescued an 11mo old Doberman a few weeks ago. Today he tested positive for multiple intestinal parassites along with heart worms. Treatments, neuter, vet visits are so expensive I can't really afford to get into a $2000 treatment plan. I don't want to surrender him, I love him, I want him to...
  10. O

    My yorkie will be 9 weeks. Can I give him worm tablets myself?

    Best to take the dog to the vet to (1) determine if he has worms and what kind; and (2) to give the proper meds for the type he has.
  11. T

    Findings In Worm Research Have Implications For Human Studies

    It's just a worm, a tiny soil-dwelling nematode worm - but the implications are big for biomedicine and circadian biology as shown in a recent study authored by University of Nevada, Reno researcher Alexander van der Linden. The article on the circadian clock of the Caenorhabditis elegans worm...
  12. G

    What kind worm does my kitten have?

    I've treated it for tape worms but im still seeing them in his stool. It looks like a piece of rice varries from light brown to a whitish color but mostly brownish and it's not very big like i said about the size of a piece of rice
  13. G

    The World's Largest Gummy Worm Is Wrong On So Many Levels [Video]

    It's 26 inches long. It has a 5 inch girth. It has a ribbed body, and weighs in at 3 lbs. It's the World's Largest Gummy Worm, and I feel dirty watching this guy try to eat it. More »
  14. S

    What is the red worm in my fish tank?

    I have a 5 gal. fish tank I keep triops in. I recently changed from rocks to sand since they like to dig. I used some construction grade sand that I sifted and cleaned before using. Seems to be fine and the triops like it. Anyway, this morning I was looking in the tank and saw a little red worm...
  15. D

    in the future for space travel will they use faster than light or worm hole

    technology? well i looked up faster than light and it said going faster than light is like getting reactivity punching her in the stomach and throwing her down the stairs so would this mean that they would use worm holes like cutting a small hole in space for a vessel to go throw and in a...
  16. J

    i found a 3 1/2 inch worm in my cooked chicken...what kind of worm is it and...

    ...is it harmful? it's white and round and appears to have a growth of some kind,maybe mutating?
  17. Z

    What did ron swanson say about the guy doing the worm on Parks and Recreation?

    They bleeped out the cuss word but I couldn't make out what he said after that. It's on the episode from mother's day. The one about the telethon for diabetes.
  18. Z

    What did ron swanson say about the guy doing the worm on Parks and Recreation?

    They bleeped out the cuss word but I couldn't make out what he said after that. It's on the episode from mother's day. The one about the telethon for diabetes.
  19. K

    Ok, I have heard a rumor that there are worm eggs in the top ramen...

    ...seasoning packets that die when you cook it? Is that true? because I have been letting my kids eat dry top ramen for years.
  20. S

    Weord intestinal problem, is it a worm, parasite or just some wierd sickness.?

    I know this may sound a little wierd, but one day I woke up with terrible stomach cramps, I thought it was constipation, so I took a laxative, it did not work. The next day I woke up with a fever and I had to go to the washroom to poop a lot (it was watery and almost like diarheea). Then...