
  1. T

    African-American women less likely to receive HPV vaccine than whites, even with acce

    Even with access to health care, African-American women are less likely to receive the vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), which reduces the risk for cervical cancer, according to a study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The findings, published today in the...
  2. J

    whites are better swimmer,better at taking tests,better at ufc fighters...

    ...what do u think? we are better at science math war everything
  3. R

    Why do whites complain about diversity when they brought Africans to the Americas?

    ...and stole land from the Native Americans.Don't they know it's virtually the punishment for their crimes. @Hanith- Whites committed genocide against Native and destroyed their culture. @Kolpy- you guys brought them here,it should be you responsibility to take them back to Africa including the...
  4. A

    Touching video documents Royce White?s draft night, and anxiety issues (VIDEO)

    When this video — heck, this documentary — was released on Wednesday morning, Houston Rockets rookie forward Royce White quickly shot up the charts amongst NBAniks as Everyone's New Favorite Player. Videotaped teary-eyed draft night exultations will do that to a fan, they always have, but...
  5. D

    Why do minorities complain about whites being racist?

    When minorities act like animals, and don't say not all act like that when majority do. We (whites) are not going to keep associating with every animal minority until we find a minority person that doesn't act like an animal. That's not our job. Minorities get you chit together.!!!!
  6. K

    Racist whites continue to post about Jeremiah Wright? Have they ever heard a

    Southern preacher rant against? America? Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell said that 9/11 and hurricanes and quakes were God's punishment on the US. Others said Hurrican Katrian was divine vengeance. Even Abe Lincoln said in his 2nd inaugural address that God was punishing America for slavery by...
  7. W

    Culture group.... Why do so many non whites come into europe for vacation ?

    Europe has no nice beaches. Maybe just Italy and Spain, but France does not yet we have the most visitors out of all the countries. @smart n sassy- nowhere near the same number. Millions come here, only few 1000 go there. They go there because of the beaches, no grey stress environment like...
  8. B

    Why can White People laugh at blonde jokes (Jokes putting down Whites)

    but Blacks get outraged at Black Jokes? How come White People can laugh at themselves with Irish Jokes or Blonde Jokes...these are jokes that put down white people... BUT Blacks get OUTRAGED at "Black jokes"? Why are black people so humorless? For a race of people with lots of comedians, they...
  9. E

    Nokia 5230 Nuron screen whites out randomly and restarts itself?

    This has never happened before! Well I wasn't really doing much with my phone just looking through my pictures in the Gallery, and all of a sudden my phone just whites out and the white flashes twice and it just restarts itself? I restarted again after it restarted itself, cause maybe what...
  10. E

    Nokia 5230 Nuron screen whites out randomly and restarts itself?

    This has never happened before! Well I wasn't really doing much with my phone just looking through my pictures in the Gallery, and all of a sudden my phone just whites out and the white flashes twice and it just restarts itself? I restarted again after it restarted itself, cause maybe what...
  11. 0

    About 27% say America is on the right path under 0bama. Why do almost all whites

    say we're on the wrong path? ... and why do almost all minorities say we're on the right path ? --- A huge piece of that 27% comes from minorities who love 0bama and who serve the Dems.
  12. B

    Whites have declared that the Nazis cannot be discussed in America?

    even though the Nazis ARE white people? So basically whites have declared that white genocide and slavery cannot be discussed.
  13. M

    Why do whites in USA complain about other races when it is their race that controls

    Whites have to pay for the bill for other races welfare checks, and prison costs.
  14. L

    Why are some blacks and whites on here whining about slavery?

    I see a LOT of questions on yahoo where a white guy or black guy blaming the other race's ANCESTORS for what happened hundreds of years ago like a bunch of children. Sorry to be harsh, but I wish both sides quit whining, enjoy life, and worry more about about the present and future. You don't...
  15. E

    why do whites love to dish it out but cant take it in?

    I can take in three or four at a time I don't know about you.
  16. N

    How can i cook egg whites without using butter (aside from poaching them)?

    My mom flips out cause i ruin her pans this way and she always tells me to use butter to make it come up and not stick. I don't like to use butter, what is a better way to cook eggs without butter and without it sticking to the pan. I've tried poaching eggs but that didn't work out. Any suggestions?
  17. P

    the game of cricket started by whites and we Indians rule it on and off the

    field lol? isn't this a shame for low rated wihtes ? Lords should be stripped of the name of Mekka of cricket, no one cares about MCG or SCG. The mekka of cricket is INDIA ! mind it ! genuine comments ! low rated and powerless cricket nations guys keep away of this Q wolf, SL is low rated and...
  18. T

    FIFA: Honduras vs All Whites tonight, what's your prediction?

    I predict a 1-1 draw.
  19. P

    Why is it that black and whites complain more about racial represenatation in the

    media? I hardly hear east asians, mestizos, arabians or indians complaining about not having enough representation in the media.
  20. G

    Why American whites buy Toyota and Honda cars more than GM and Ford

    cars? Is it because they don't like blacks? most of whom work for GM and Ford?