
  1. C

    Hey im trying to piss off someone whos prank phone calling me wanna help?

    One of my friends is getting another friend to keep prank phone calling me and I've had enough because I've had really bad, almost calling the cops prank phone calls before because they were so incredibly disturbing that threatened my life. Now this is a different person and my friend wont come...
  2. D

    anyone wanna do a teen survey?

    1. are you an organized or disorganized? 2. What's your favorite color? 3. So describe your personality: shy or outgoing, mean or nice, stylish or "just yourself", funny or average? 4. What type of group do you think you would fit in (nerd, jock, stylish, artsy, cool)? 5. Are you in middle...
  3. P

    Can any one guide me for i wanna be a game developer?

    I am 18 and currently in 2nd year of my computer engineering. I dream of being or working in a game development firm. as in proggraming stuff! what should i opt or do after i complete my comp engineering??
  4. J

    Any one wanna give me some music recommendations?

    hip hop and rap of coarse
  5. A

    Okay, Next halloween i wanna be an Anime Character.?

    Well, I wanna be an Anime Character Next year adn i Need help on Looking for some. She has to have Brown hair and Brown eyes(Or anything) ...This year i was Yuuki Cross ,sooo, Not her (: Please and Thank you...oh and Remember NO HENTAI! XD
  6. K

    Hii i wanna create android and ios apps ?? Help me?

    i am very much interested in making apps. I have a laptop & lots of free time. I wanna know how can one makes apps ?? What programming languages are used in making it ???
  7. I

    any girls wanna chat between 13-17 ? just went through something hard:(?

    Just broke up with my gf an hour ago and a little pissed off and sad. Just wondering if any girls want to chat if so just email me or something at my email or just leave yours in answer and also put ur age ( im 15 and no creepers)
  8. S

    Having a campfire tonight. Any one wanna join me for some chat and food?

    I hate to have one alone, but it won't be the first time
  9. N

    Pokemon Platinum - Anyone wanna trade shinies?

    I have these shiny pokemons to offer: larvitar, snubull, corsola, slakoth, natu, cubone. Anyone have shiny pokemon that i can trade with?
  10. H

    I wanna be like near from death note how?

    Like I wanna investigate without anyone knowing me, honestly I don't really have emotion, I solve 3k puzzles in a day and a half from boredom
  11. A

    Wanna take a survey?:D?

    What's you name? Your favorite food? Favorite drink? Age? Girl of boy? Favorite show. Favorite movie? Do you like school? What's you name?Ashley. Your favorite food?Pizza. Favorite drink?Sprite & fruit punch. Age?15. Girl of boy?Girl. Favorite show.Degrassi & Family Guy. Favorite movie? Mean...
  12. L

    Does anybody wanna sell their Samsung Galaxy or their Motorola Milestone X

    on the Cspire or Cellular south? Does anybody wanna sell their Samsung Galaxy or their Motorola Milestone X on the Cspire or Cellular south network. They must have good ESN's. They need to still be in working conditon
  13. J

    I jus wanna chat hahahha xx ?

    Heyy I am jessi and I'm 13 x and bored like haha x wat u guys up 2 x
  14. T

    If i installed OS for my Blackberry and crash, so what you wanna do if it happen?

    So I wanna install to the latest OS, method please :)
  15. R

    Hi, me and my mate wanna do a rd trip down the west coast of america for a month?

    Can anyone help us I deciding wots the best route and places 2 visit for the best parties and women? Thanks
  16. L

    Wanna participate in a Harry Potter trivia challenge?

    I've decided to do a Harry Potter trivia challenge, including book trivia, movie trivia, and fan trivia. I'm making it pretty easy. First asker with all the correct answers is chosen best answer!! 1. Ron's wand 2. The release date of the last movie on DVD 3. Name a celebrity that is a fan of...
  17. Lisa

    does anyone wanna check out my channel?

    so ive got a youtube channel and i would love more subscribers :) In the future I want to post vlogs when i have that all ready, need to get my camera fixed etc. atm i post videos of just stuff like art, and horses and yeah :) but please do check it out and if you like subscribe! peace to the...
  18. F

    ooVoo chat if u a drake fan give ur username i wanna interact with yall?

    if u have a ooVoo and u are a drake fan give me ur user name so we can interact its team drizzy all day
  19. J

    i wanna make my usb headset mobile..?

    how could i like make a battery pack that can plug the usb into so i can use these without having to be by a usb port the usb is only for power it has plugs for input and output
  20. S

    Spiritually speaking: Wanna hear a joke?

    There is a mini-bar on top of a skyscraper. There is a bartender and two alcoholics on there. One of them stands on one foot, after drinking a few beers. He leans over, side to side, and all around. The other two stand in astonishment. They wonder how he does it. The other alcoholic walks up to...