
  1. T

    How do i join a local venting guild on wow?

    I tried to post on guild recruitment forum on official wow site but i put my location Bronx, NY (B/c i would like to join a local guild) and within two hours they banned me and deleted all my threads ever written (which i had only written my first three today 2 hours later i look and they were...
  2. L

    Pictures of venting Oscars?

    Does anyone have pictures or know where I can get pictures of oscars being vented? Is it the same as African Cichlids? I've vented my Africans before but never oscars. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. D

    Please help.. im sort of venting.. boyfriends?

    Still kind of in love with my ex.. we broke up last week. but trying moving on, i have a new bf. but i kinda only dated him to make the old bf jealous. I think my ex is not completely over me. we broke up because we got in fights a lot and hurt each other, it was like a mutual decision. ive...
  4. G

    What is that smell coming from water heater venting?

    Ok, so my fiance and I installed a new water heater and now everytime it kicks on the venting system has a funny smell coming from it. It's not a gas smell, to me it smells like my hot glue gun when it is heating up. We did the test with a candle to make sure no gases were spilling out due to a...
  5. R

    how should I go about cleaning the lint out of the venting system?

    For some reason it takes things a looooooonnng time to get dry in my dryer, tried a few different things and checked the hose that vents the hot air. I even took the whole thing apart and cleaned the lint out. But it didn't seem to help. So from what i have found out what is the problem must be...
  6. U

    The Fukushima engineers are venting hydrogen from containment and done too fast it

    explodes outside? Is that what happened to #1 ? This hydrogen accumulates in the containment, but here is my main question -- how is it being produced? Some kind of unspecified hot chemical reactions are going on? The hydrogen is a disintegration product? Or is it mainly steam plus a little...
  7. T

    What does venting problems on someone mean?

    A friend of mine is having problems at his house with his parents. He wrote me the following: "When i moved back with my parents things were fine for like three days. I haven't even been here a week and they still haven't changed. Everything is still my fault. For no reason. They treat me like...
  8. B

    My mom keeps venting to me about her marital problems, is this appropriate?

    I'm 17 years old and my mom homeschools me and my brother. But for the past three or so years now she has been talking to us for hours about how our dad isn't the man he should be and how he always yells at her, and how he is looking at pornography, and how he loses his temper and curses at us...
  9. C

    I'm in love. I want to have sex. Not asking for permission, mostly venting.

    Look at details, please.? I've been dating him for eight months. Been in love with him for five months. He's amazing, and always so sweet to me. We've fooled around (orally and manually), for two months. He hasn't pressured me one bit. In fact, whenever I bring it up, he assures me I don't need...
  10. B

    I'm in love. I want to have sex. Not asking for permission, mostly venting.

    I know you love him, but you just said yourself you know you won't be together forever. So I would wait a little longer especially if he is willing to wait too. There are so many guys in high school nowadays just trying to add girls to their list of having sex. I'm not saying you won't be...
  11. T

    For some reason I attract everyone's venting of negative energy and I want it to

    stop. How do I? My wife, her best friends, my best friends, my mother, and strangers online all want to vent their aggression/frustration on me but I can't handle it any more. None of them want to solve their problems, they just want to blame other people for their issues and they just want to...
  12. T

    For some reason I attract everyone's venting of negative energy and I want it to

    stop. How do I? My wife, her best friends, my best friends, my mother, and strangers online all want to vent their aggression/frustration on me but I can't handle it any more. None of them want to solve their problems, they just want to blame other people for their issues and they just want to...
  13. A

    For some reason I attract everyone's venting of negative energy and I want it to

    Come right out and tell them. If they only want to vent and not solve their issues, tell them that you don't want to be their emotional punching bag. As silly as it sounds, suggest screaming into a pillow. But if they begin to release their "negative energy" on you, cut them off and tell them...
  14. D

    Jr.High stuff and venting about crap?

    there has just been a lot of drama at my school lately... 1. Kaelyn and I - Kaelyn was mad at me and called me wierd,mean and desperate. this started a huge fight between me, her, and Rebecca. But, after about 2 weeks, we made up 2. Nash and I- Kaelyn and Meghan told Nash i like him (i...
  15. J

    venting: why is it so hard to be gay in this life...?

    i wake up everyday and i feel secluded. i feel like im not appart of society and im the freak who stands out. im gay, im 15, im a guy and growing up this way is so hard. im out of the closet but only at school. but thats all, no family can know because they will not accept it. is there someone...
  16. A

    what does yahoo mean by venting?

    i was looking at a add and it said no venting what do they mean ventrillio or what
  17. S

    Life is too short? im not sure why i am venting on here? ?

    Today, my cousin I grew up with lost her 4 month old daughter this afternoon. It was so sudden but assuming it was SIDS. Life is just too short. I can't think, feel, or explain the loss Of such a beautiful niece. I'm feeling a sense of loss today. I can't even imagine what my cousin is going...
  18. K

    me venting does anyone feel like this?

    Where am I, Sometimes it’s hard to fathom So many moments have collided Piece by piece I cant seem to understand, With everything I have been through Perhaps not as horrendous a struggle as some, Yet in my own life ive watched people come in and out of my life, the only thing held steady was my...
  19. K

    I just feel like venting. ?

    I am almost an 18 year old girl, I have never dated anyone , and never kissed anyone! I am not usually a complainer but it feels good to let this out. Its frustrating to watch everyone else enjoy things. There's nothing wrong with me, I am the easiest person to get along with, and an all around...
  20. J

    My girlfriend is venting?

    she keeps telling me about how her parents do nothing and how she does everything around the house. How do i respond to that? I want to stay on her parent's good side.