
  1. P

    Are non vegans mostly like hunting?

    if its true wht is common in vegan or non vegans.
  2. A

    Caution, Hardcore Vegans: Chances Are, Your Medicine Is Made With Animal Products

    Did you know that most medication contains animal products? That's right: lactose, gelatin, carmine and other substances derived from animal products are common ingredients in pharmaceuticals. Not good news for strict vegans or vegetarians, especially those who eat a plant-based diet for ethical...
  3. A

    Meatless Monday: 8 Vegetable Soup Recipes For Vegans And Vegetarians

    We found eight vegetable soup recipes for Meatless Monday–and any other night you want a comforting vegetarian or vegan meal this winter. More » Meatless Monday: 8 Vegetable Soup Recipes For Vegans And Vegetarians is a post from Blisstree - Nutrition, Healthy Recipes and Fitness.
  4. M

    Serious question for vegans on a bodybuilding cutting diet (if there are any)?

    How do you get into a ketogenic state without getting most of your calories from lean meat, whey protein and/or eggs? Unless there's something I don't understand about a vegan diet (if so, then please correct me), it's pretty much impossible for vegans to cut since everything you eat has a lot...
  5. A

    Cheating Vegans: The Forbidden Animal Products Vegans Pine For

    Last week, we were pretty amazed by how many readers were willing to confess their favorite weird foods to eat when no one was watching. And it made us wonder: what other secrets are our readers hiding. Like, for example, are there any cheating vegans among us who, even just occasionally, slip a...
  6. A

    Crazy Vegans Want Obama To Quit Eating Junk Food In Public

    In today's ridiculous health news, one advocacy group has started a petition to stop President Obama from ever eating unhealthy food in public again. Like this is going to solve anything when it comes to our obesity crisis. More »Post from: Blisstree
  7. A

    Vegans And Meat-Eaters: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

    Last week I wrote an article about my personal experience with going vegetarian and some of the vitamin deficiencies I experienced as a result, including low levels of B12 and Iron. And wow, what a debate it sparked between vegans and omnivores! Can't we just all get along? Judging by the...
  8. A

    Is It OK For Vegans To Eat Turkey On Thanksgiving?

    Well, it's November, and you know what that means: turkey time. As the entire country seemingly switches overnight from costumes and candy to gourds and giblets, this can become a true test of many vegans and vegetarians who are tempted by the allure of turkey. More »Post from: Blisstree
  9. Y

    raw vegans - how do you handled cooked food craving?

    For three days I did not have any cooked food. But today I had half a sandwidtch and soup for lunch :( It made me feel heavy, but I couldn't control the craving. I was just tired of having a fruit smoothie for lunch every day. I generally enjoy fruits for breakfast and salads for lunch, but the...
  10. M

    Vegans: What should I take as a dish to pass for work on black...

    ...Friday...nothing Thanksgiving-y? I bring baked goods to work at least once a month, so I was thinking I'd bring a regular food kind of thing, maybe in addition to some sweets. I was thinking maybe chili or baked beans or something, but I'd prefer something not so "average". I want something...
  11. S

    Vegans: What is your opinion on hunting?

    I'n not trying to insult your lifestyle; I'm just curious on what your opinion is on this. I assume you are against it. What are your reasons why? Is it ever justifiable? What if there is a severe overpopulation of animals, like deer? What is your opinion on people who do hunt? (I an not a...
  12. T

    Vegans and vegetarians...nutrition?

    Are you veg or vegan? How concerned are you about nutrition. Do you keep track of what you eat and how much protein is in it...or do you just think...meh...i'm still breathing..i'm good. I take a multivitamin everyday, and make sure I get in at least 35 g of fibre a day. I watch my sodium...
  13. K

    Devout vegans: What do you eat on vacations/business trips?

    When I was a vegan I went to NYC and only ate carbs b/c that was the only vegan thing. So, I went back to being lacto-ovo b/c it's easier to find things to eat that way. But I feel guilty for eating dairy/eggs and want to be vegan again, but I want to go 100% and not just give up my veganism...
  14. B

    raw vegans cooking food and 130 degress? help!?

    ok im a little confused about raw vegans. i know that they eat all raw food and no animals stuff at all or use anything with animal products but i did hear that they can cook food at anything lower then 130 degress. doesnt that mean they could make something like vegan casserold but cook it...
  15. S

    hey vegans, can you help me figure out what to eat for meals?

    i was just trying to get some ideas about what you eat for your meals throughout the day? like what you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
  16. Ñ

    Why don't I hear vegans promoting awareness of the potential health risks

    associated with veganism? And the ones that do get severe criticism. It seems so wrong. So often I hear "my parents won't let me be vegan" and the responses are very often along the lines of "don't eat" or "have an apple" "they'll give in eventually". It just seems like shouldn't the overall...
  17. C

    Vegetarians and Vegans: Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who hunts?

    I have recently taken on the Vegetarian lifestyle and my husband used to be a hunter as a teenager and most of his family still hunts (their grandmother has a cabin upstate where they go every year to hunt.) I have always been against hunting, but it wasn't the reason my husband stopped, he says...
  18. P

    Vegans, if you were riding a bike and a fly flew into your mouth and you

    ate it by accident...? What would you do?
  19. T

    Where can I meet local vegans?

    I'd like to know if there's anywhere I can meet vegan friends and vegan guys.
  20. A

    Do you talk with many other vegans or vegetarians online?

    I noticed there are websites like where vegans can talk, or some people use to find other vegetarians and vegans in their area. Through meetup, I discovered there are many more vegans in my area than I realized. Do you use any interesting websites where you connect...