
  1. P

    How varied is your music taste?

    I don't get people who only listen to one or two genres of music. There's so much good stuff out there, and so much variety. Define your musical tastes, we'll determine with that your variations. If you're interested, here's mine: I listen to Rock: Progressive rock, Psychedelic rock...
  2. G

    When countless Christian academics have such varied interpretations of the

    Bible, who do you believe? In my hometown, depending on the type of church you go will have so many differences of opinion from topics such as abortion, death penalty, war, Obama/Bush, "salvation," KJV/NIV, baptisms, how vocal you should be as a Christian, tattoos, alcohol, premarital...
  3. V

    Varied Weekend Deals from

    Online shoppers who visit benefit from the site’s widely varied catalog, which includes a variety of tech-related trinkets and gadgets that for a limited time are available at a lower price. Feel free to take a look at the following list and see what piques your interest. Various items...