
  1. M

    Get rid of lump/bump near vagina?

    I have a lump/bump inbetween my vagina and leg and it hurts like hell :( when I feel it it feels hardish - as if it has a fluid in it. It is honestly the weirdest thing, as it is like a line shape.. It is quite thick, and seriously hurts like crazy. I cant walk, even at night I wake up wanting...
  2. A

    Pain in vagina after inserting monistat applicator tube !!!!!!!?

    22, female, not normally prone to yeast infections, never been sexually active. Okay, so I've received a yeast infection from Antibiotics I was on (a week ) for sinus infection that I had. I choose to treat it with monistat since I've gotten good results before from it. This time around I had...
  3. G

    unexplained pain in vagina :c?

    me and my wife just had a kid together. he is 5 months now, but when my wife was 5 months pregnant, she started having pain while in intercourse. then the doc was saying it was normal because the vagina and the cervix get tender ... well now our son is 5 months, and the same thing is happening...
  4. A

    Your Dirty Vagina Needs Vaginal Wipes Or Else You’ll Never Have Sex Again

    Your Dirty Vagina Needs Vaginal Wipes Or Else You’ll Never Have Sex Again is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on mental health & healthcare..
  5. A

    Girl Talk! , Answer this Ladies. How Many girls wash UP their Vagina? and wash UP

    they butt lol? More Details- wash up the Hole's.. this is a serious questions please NO EXTREMLY LONG ANSWERS! * IF ANYBODY GOT ANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS I WILL CUSS YOU TF OUT SO CHILL! Also, other girls always ask why does ther private parts smell bad here's a logical answer right now I'm 18 and...
  6. A

    Winterize Your Vagina: How To Keep Your Lady Bits Healthy This Fall And Winter

    As we start to really get into sweater weather, everyone knows the usual health concerns. Dry skin! Weight gain! Depression! But fall and winter can also be hard on your 'nether regions. Wrapped up in tight, synthetic clothing (I'm looking at you, tights) and subjected to unhealthy foods (which...
  7. A

    Female Legislator Banned For Using Most Offensive Word: Vagina

    Can someone please tell me why people get so weird over the word "vagina"? It's just a female body part, for God's sake. Not to mention, it's the anatomically correct description of this beautiful part that makes us proud to be a woman. And yet, some guys--and women--just freak out when someone...
  8. A

    8 Ways To Make Your Vagina Love Biking

    Did you know that May is National Bike Month and this is Bike to Work Week? That may sound like a great idea, you say, if only my lady parts would agree, right? Because, let's face it, biking is not always kind to our vagina and our butt. In fact, sometimes it's downright painful. Painful enough...
  9. S

    Vagina went dry while having sex? please help?

    I had sex with my boyfriend yesterday it was a lot tighter then usual and after about a 30-40 mins it went dry and started to hurt to have sex normally my vagina doesn't do this if anything it gets too wet so we had to stop four hours later we had sex again and i was fine but that time we only...
  10. D

    My vagina hurts really bad (especially during intercourse)?

    Okay so about a month ago I was having this problem:;_ylt=AsBtCbMiRquKlErmMYoFffXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111114034500AASbUDV and now it has progressed waaay worse. I took a break from sex for over a week. Then when me and my boyfriend tried to do it again, it...
  11. H

    If a vagina isn't used can it heal up and close?

    I heard a conversation between 2 wimin today, womun 1 = so hows your relationship been womun 2= youll be suprizd to no i ve bin keepin my legs closed womun 1= ahh i see its props healed up now then, youve kept it done for a while womun 2- yes so i have been thinking abaat it, If a vagina isn't...
  12. M

    I think my vagina is too small?

    Well I can't even fit a tampon in it. Im 15 yrs old and im starting to worry. What if I can't have sex?? I tried fitting my finger in but it cant go the whole way... How can I stretch it??
  13. M

    Peeling vagina?! HELP!!!?

    I already know why I have been blessed with this pleasant little condition... My boyfriend fingered me pretty hard a few days ago and the next day: WHAMO! the skin around and in my vagina was peeling like crazy... I am in A LOT of pain so i looked this up and found lots of things saying "this is...
  14. S

    Do girls like jokes about vagina, what do you think of someone when they make a...

    ...joke like that? Do girls like jokes about vagina---Really. I thought theyd be offended. Look here: Do you? With What kind of girls, or in what setting you think itd be appropriate.
  15. N

    my girlfriend vagina starts leaking , when she starts jumping after sex , why?

    i am so much worried when she stars jumping after sex his vagina starts leaking
  16. T

    Pregnant, dry vagina and no sex life, help TMI?

    Ok sorry about this but since i have been pregnant me and my partner have rarely had sex... RARELY!! It's because i have lost all interest in it and even when we try to spice it up i dont even want it. He tries to masturbate me, doesn't work. I am also dry as and sex is painful even for days...
  17. M

    HELP! my vagina looks like a smiley face and i keep getting laughed at.?

    i have two birthmarks next to each other right above my labia. last week, i was changing in gym class and my really good friend snuck up behind me and ripped down my panties and everyone laughed and pointed and called me smiley bush and walmart roll back the savings girl. i know i should just...
  18. D

    What is the funniest way to make fun of my girlfriends stinky vagina?

    Her birthday was coming up and a lot of my friends will be there. I was thinking giver her some Vagisil as a gift and when she opens it up in front of everyone I can make a joke about her stinkbox
  19. Y

    Why does my girlfriends vagina when anything touches it?

    It hurts when she tries to use a tampon and when I try to finger her. Am I doing something wrong? Will it be this way for sex later on?
  20. A

    How long should I cook Female Vagina for?

    I just cut off a female vagina and im looking to serve it with my pasta tommorow. So, how long should I do it for in the oven? Any Ideas, thanks.