
  1. J

    i have the urge to laugh at inappropriate things?

    i have the urge to laugh at the most horrible things, things that i DO NOT find funny.. Example: If someone got into a car accident and i seen it on the news or something, something will urge me to think its funny or laugh, and then i think "Omg why is this happening" I don't actually laugh i...
  2. T

    Baby Boomers Should Take Hep C Test Urge CDC

    In order to avert a major rise in liver disease and deaths among Americans, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are urging all baby boomers, that is members of the population born between 1945 and 1965, to get tested for the hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C causes serious...
  3. A

    Empower A Young Girl, Urge Her To Apply To G(irls) 20 By Midnight Tonight!

    The G(irls) 20 Summit, an amazing opportunity for any young woman, seeks to bring together the brightest girls 18-20 years of age to weigh in on the most pressing issues of our time. Articulate girls with concerns for everything from women's rights to global education to maternal health to the...
  4. R

    Quit masturbation, urge is coming back?

    I quit for a good month after someone telling it was a sin to catholics, is it? and I need more tips to stop myself. please..
  5. L

    Sex be the result of frequent urge to pee?

    Recently I've become sexually active with my boyfriend and we have a lot of sex. Now from what Ive read it could be just that, I'm having sex more frequently than I ever have before. We both are clean and Im on birth control. I don't believe that I'm pregnant. I know I should go to a doctor...
  6. C

    GIRLS, Do you feel the urge to talk to a guy more if he randomly starts

    giving you the "silent treatment"? I guess what i am asking is does it keep your brain wondering constantly "why has InsertNameHere stopped talking to me all of a sudden?
  7. C

    How long does it take to get over the urge to want to smoke?

    I quit smoking cigarettes 4 weeks ago and still feel like I badly need one at times.
  8. C

    is it normal to have the urge to vomit whenever i see a gay person?

    they are so nasty
  9. I

    Strange urge to smoke cigarettes at 13?

    My mom smokes. Every day she has been smoking. She tells me, "Don't do it, its very bad for you." Yes, I've taken health class. Yes, I know the consequences for smoking. But I don't hang around very good people. My parents themselves aren't very good influences. My mom smokes, and my dad drinks...
  10. A

    How do you fight the urge to talk to someone?

    Long story. But basically me and this guy who has been my close friend for a long time now have made a pact to stop talking, because he's bestfriends with my boyfriend and well you get the idea. But everytime he's online on facebook I really want to talk to him, it's so hard.. I just want to...
  11. A

    How do you fight the urge to talk to someone?

    Long story. But basically me and this guy who has been my close friend for a long time now have made a pact to stop talking, because he's bestfriends with my boyfriend and well you get the idea. But everytime he's online on facebook I really want to talk to him, it's so hard.. I just want to...
  12. D

    What is it that gives people the urge to argue politics with americans,...

    ...what makes them different politicaly? My mates have this new american flatmate and people keep arguing till dawn with him about everything, hes getting tired but then he still argues... I think hes been brainwashed by a republican somewhere some how but this is just him but every one wants...
  13. E

    I'm gay but have an urge to?

    eat out a girl. that's pretty much all i watch when i watch p0rn...love watching the p*nis slide in...but i'm gay. I have only liked girls though, but not guys yet. so guys, this is normal right? my brother is gay but i'm too embarrassed to ask him if he watches these types of videos too. : )
  14. E

    I'm gay but have an urge to?

    eat out a girl. that's pretty much all i watch when i watch p0rn...love watching the p*nis slide in...but i'm gay. I have only liked girls though, but not guys yet. so guys, this is normal right? my brother is gay but i'm too embarrassed to ask him if he watches these types of videos too. : )
  15. N

    Why do I have the urge to become lesbian and feel good about it, then be so

    confused about it? I've had feelings for girls since I was nine years old. I am now seventeen, but I just need some advice to see what I really want right now because I have the feeling that I'm just a lesbian and that nothing is going to ever change that. I'm confused, but at the same time I...
  16. M

    When you see a chicken crossing the road does it give you the urge to laugh?

    it always does for me.. ^_^
  17. P

    i have this urge to smoke and take drugs?

    i'm a reasonably responsible girl, i don't get it, i'm also well educated on the matter too i guess why do i always feel the need to do this >.< this relates to drinking and if this helps, i'm pretty depressed although i have the most amazing friends ;S
  18. T

    P.A.D. Coalition And Society For Vascular Nursing Urge Americans To Get A Leg Up On V

    Approximately 9 million Americans have peripheral arterial disease (P.A.D.), a common and dangerous vascular disease that can lead to heart attack, stroke, amputation and death. Unfortunately, many with the disease do not even know they have it. September is P.A.D. Awareness Month, and the...
  19. T

    Doctors Urge Independent MPs To Insist On Rural Looking Glass, Australia

    The Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) is urging the key rural independent MPs to require an incoming Government to introduce formal rural proofing of all proposed health policies and programs. Rural proofing would require policy-makers to genuinely consider the impact of new policies...
  20. T

    Bishops Urge House Support For Permanent Ban On Federal Funding For Abortion Services

    Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, leader of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' pro-life activities committee, sent a letter to House members urging them to support a bill (HR 5939) that would permanently ban federal funding for abortion services, The Hill's "Healthwatch" reports. Since 1976...