
  1. K

    How to play in USA servers in DC Universe?

    Im from England and I have DC Universe on my PS3, i got it free from the store a while back, but all of my friends who play it are from America and I can't play with them because I'm on the European server. Is there anyway to get from European server to American to play with my American friends...
  2. A

    Dc universe online: controller or healer?

    I have a fire tank and I'm thinking about making another character that of a support roll. I can't decide between a healer or controller. If I pick healer I'll probably do sorcery and if I do controller I'll probably do gadgets or mental. I don't have any dlc for this game. Which is a more...
  3. A

    Is there a parallel universe where Zimmerman is Black?

    In a parallel universe, George Zimmerman is black and killed Trayvon, and the media didn't report it. Black on black violence is never reported by the media.
  4. A

    Transgender Contestant Kicked Off Miss Universe; Right Or Wrong?

    Earlier this month we found out that a transgender woman named Jenna Talackova would be a finalist in the Miss Universe Canada pageant. The fact that she was accepted as a contestant raised several ethical and moral issues for some, but for others, it was a major win for equality. But now it...
  5. R

    A qeustion about DC universe?

    ive been playing DC universe online for a long while now, and just now my game crashed like four times in a row, i went tru steam, right clicked DC properties, and validated files, and it told me that it could not validate 6,594 files about 4 in a half gigs of info, my question is, were the hell...
  6. J

    DC Universe Online Question: How to buy level 30 armor?

    I'm still a bit of a newb but i've done plenty of story missions, grouping, for wanted bounty's like clay face, full house, Killer Frost, and Heat Wave bounties. I finally got enough experience points to get to level 30 but when I get to vendors to buy these iconic armor/gear. It is still...
  7. M

    Why wont my DC Universe Online open and work?

    The DC Universe Online i got via Steam wont work anymore. I downloaded and played it one day, and it was working perfectly fine. but the next day i tried to play it, and it wouldn't open. at first it would just stay at the screen with all the logos and just say "Connecting to Login Server" at...
  8. R

    How can people argue for a fine-tuned universe yet argue against evolution?

    It seems a little ironic that people advocating a fine-tuned universe for life argue that evolution can't occur naturally. Not all creationists do this, but I've seen quite a few make this contradicting argument.
  9. C

    Can PC players play with PS3 players in DC Universe Online?

    My friend already has the game on ps3 and I only have a PC. I was wondering if we could player together. THANKS FOR YOUR ANSWER!!
  10. C

    Can PC players play with PS3 players in DC Universe Online?

    My friend already has the game on ps3 and I only have a PC. I was wondering if we could player together. THANKS FOR YOUR ANSWER!!
  11. C

    Can PC players play with PS3 players in DC Universe Online?

    My friend already has the game on ps3 and I only have a PC. I was wondering if we could player together. THANKS FOR YOUR ANSWER!!
  12. C

    Can PC players play with PS3 players in DC Universe Online?

    My friend already has the game on ps3 and I only have a PC. I was wondering if we could player together. THANKS FOR YOUR ANSWER!!
  13. W

    All the energy that will ever be in the universe already exist...?

    ...as energy can not be created nor can it be destroyed, while the universe is continuing to expand which defuses the energy over a greater area. Further, all that has ever existed, all that exist at this moment and all that will exist in any possible future is animated, from the grandest...
  14. A

    Should i use mental or gadgets in DC universe?

    idk which one is good so im asking u people
  15. T

    Why do I keep getting "Connection Errors" logging into DC Universe?

    Early in the day when I log in, there is no problems. But when I seem to log in around 5-6 pm, wait on the login queue (Which is 400+) and when I'm just about done, a connection error arises. Sometimes it successfully logs, then disconnects 3 minutes later. I have tried resetting my router...
  16. L

    Is Dc Universe Online Worth Downloading?

    The game looks amazing but i know for a fact that looks can be deceiving. Im just wondering is, is the 17 gb download worth it, or is it a waste of space and time? Also if you can, what about the ps3 version? Also which do you think is more fun to play on, PvP or PvE.
  17. M

    Will Dc Universe Online Install if I turn it off, or should I restart the...

    ...installation and leave it alone? I started it 24 hours ago, and the game has beens tuck on 8.1 percent for 6 hours what the heck??? I put it in sleep mode a few times after checking it, and now it stops installing, what will make it go again? should i reinstall it and leave it or turn it off?
  18. M

    On DC Universe Online, does having Batman as a mentor but not choosing...

    ...gadgets affect the game? Just wondering, as I want to create a hero with Batman as a mentor, but I want to pick fire as an ability. Will this change the game in anyway? Make it harder to earn prestige with factions ect.?
  19. J

    PS3 problem downloading DC Universe.?

    I started downloading DC Universe online late last night. The installer and the update downloaded quickly, but when it downloaded the main game (the large green bar with the superheroes in the background), it took 15 hours to completely finish. Then I started creating my character, gave it a...
  20. J

    Dc Universe Online Question?

    I recently bought the 1 month membership legendary membership. It comes with more features vs the free membership, reason i bought it was for the green lantern and lightning powers. I created a character with the lightning powers, so if i stop paying for the legendary membership and revert back...