
  1. A

    Porn Keywords Give Uncomfortable Glimpse Into State-By-State Preferences

    I'm not sure if most states are collectively vanilla (I'm not looking at you, Hentai-lovers of Virginia) or if I've been desensitized and need to be deprogrammed by a team of professionals in order to feel anything at all again. More » Porn Keywords Give Uncomfortable Glimpse Into...
  2. K

    Are there any women and men in here who are uncomfortable with PDA?

    I don't believe I will ever be comfortable with doing PDA. I think it is because I am a very shy person. Even when a guy talks to me in public (which is rare), I am still self conscious about it. I guess doing it in private would work better. I may be biased because I've never been in a...
  3. A

    Perfect The Art Of Uncomfortable Web Chatting With AwkwardChatbot

    Ever wish there was a way you could practice the art of awkward web chatting?*Well, wish no more! Our favorite guilty time-suck (yeah, we admit it), Buzzfeed, serves up yet another awesome way to time-suck: AwkwardChatbot. More » Perfect The Art Of Uncomfortable Web Chatting With AwkwardChatbot...
  4. G

    Why athletic cup for baseball so uncomfortable and constantly needing to be...

    ...resituated? i have compression shorts and i put a cup in them....every time i do this...it becomes restricting and uncomfortabe...ive tried smaller and larger cups and tighter compreesion shorts and it always seems be uncomortable and rub against my thighs or is in the wrong spot...i look...
  5. A

    Vaginal Rejuvenation Makes Gynos (And Most Sane People) Highly Uncomfortable

    Female genital cosmetic surgery. Honestly, I feel uncomfortable typing those words. In the face of vaginoplasty, I would kind of like to bury my head in the sand and pretend it's not happening. I feel sad just thinking about women who are so insecure about their lady-parts that they choose...
  6. G

    Do PDA's from homosexuals make you feel uncomfortable?

    I'M NOT a homophobe! Just curious :) Woah, I simply did not put about heterosexuals because I know from chatting to my friends alone that opinions are 50/50 on that. I 'singled out' homosexuals, as I was curious to see how public opinion could be different towards a PDA with people of the...
  7. K

    Uncomfortable with PDA with my girlfriend...?

    Yesterday I went on my first date with my very first girlfriend. It was a movie date, and we kissed in the theater, nothing too major... (Oh, what am I talking about, it was my first kiss! It was AMAZING!) ...but it wasn't like we were making out or anything. xD We were in the back row where no...
  8. S

    Why Am I Uncomfortable With PDA??

    im 15(guy) i find it kinda hard to show any type of pda or interest in girls....in a way i want to tell a girl how i feel but i just cant and when i hug a girl(which is hardly mabey like 2 times a year) i feel awkwared..then i get shy around cute girls that im not around alot or giirls that i...
  9. A

    MEN\BOYS -Would you complain/feel uncomfortable if a guy took his daughter/little

    sister into your locker room? It happened in the reverse over the summer when at the pool some moms brought little boys or big sisters babysitting little brothers brought them. The girls seemed to understand, but there was some talk it would be different in the guys' case, would it be...
  10. A

    Lames: Turner owners may feel uncomfortable ‘Burn’ in Chicago

    Each week the Noise highlights six unobvious names who he believes are destined to morph into human torpedos. For those playing the Lames home edition, each player must be started in at least 50 percent of Yahoo! leagues to qualify. As an accountability advocate, results, whether genius or...
  11. G

    Bachelor Pad: Jake Goes Begging, Vienna Makes People Uncomfortable and One Couple Win

    Ah, Bachelor Pad, where the challenges may as well be called, "Who Do You Hate Most?" Tonight's episode started off with a friendly little game of "Target on Your...
  12. H

    What can I possibly do to introduce myself to him without making it uncomfortable?

    There is this guy I really like at my school and I'm so scared of talking to him even though my friends try to help me out with it. I don't know what to do about it because my Mom for some reason doesn't understand me at all, and I don't want to make my introduction weird.
  13. C

    Gatsby seems uncomfortable and embarrassed when nick introduces him to whom?

    And why is he uncomfortable? Chapter 4
  14. S

    Why do i feel uncomfortable when people discuss their religions?

    i try to be understanding, but i just feel uncomfortable (because im not religious at all). its like they expect me to completely and deeply understand various aspects of their religion, and pay no respect to my own views. i feel like they are forcing their religions on me :( *****how can i...
  15. S

    Why do i feel uncomfortable when people discuss their religions?

    i try to be understanding, but i just feel uncomfortable (because im not religious at all). its like they expect me to completely and deeply understand various aspects of their religion, and pay no respect to my own views. i feel like they are forcing their religions on me :( *****how can i...
  16. M

    Does the cat look comfortable or uncomfortable?

    This was at my teachers house for a field trip and he has a wife and children and 2 cats and 2 dogs and I held one of his cats. I was carrying water,school paper and pencils.The cat is a cat who does not like to be picked up here is the photo below.His family and him and other students at his...
  17. P

    My Mother Introduces Her Boyfriend As Our 'Dad'...We're Uncomfortable?

    My siblings and I are all in our late 30's and early 40's. Our father died from cancer when we were teenagers. Our mother didn't date for many years. About 2.5 years ago, she met her boyfriend, Ed. We all like Ed, he and our mother make a great pair. What is upsetting us is that our mother...
  18. L

    My roommate's PDA with her boyfriend makes me uncomfortable?

    My boyfriend and I are both uncomfortable with PDA. It's not very polite and has the tendency to exclude people so we don't do it. But my roommate and her boyfriend... they're always in their own little world. They'd invite me to play games with them, and in the middle of it they would start a...
  19. C

    Would this be PDA or something that might make a girl uncomfortable?

    I see this girl in my class and she will play footsy with me and in between classes she will let me rub her back or touch her arm. But in class I can't even touch her shoulder without her telling me to stop. Might she just be uncomfortable because there are people around?
  20. V

    My friends are racist and I sometimes feel uncomfortable telling them...

    ...about romantic interests, what do I do? I'm from Puerto Rico and currently study in New York. My tastes in people who attract me is a pretty wide range, but I have my tastes and I never really thought they were a problem. Back in Puerto Rico about 90% of my girl friends were attracted to...