
  1. B

    Ugliest fashion trends of all time?

    What are your top picks? 10 points to whoever can give me the most! Posted this in the "religious" section because with all the fighting and debates here, you guys should really put your energy into something more positive...Like helping me finish this school project on trends...
  2. A

    This Is Why The Internet Sucks:’s “10 Of The Ugliest Celebrities”

    "10 of the ugliest celebrities?!?!?" I thought, "WTF kind of fresh hell is that that?" As someone who writes for a body-positive website, I'm always on the lookout for body-shaming, fat-shaming, slut-shaming (any kind of shaming, really), bullshit, misogyny, and negativity from the media (AHEM...
  3. A

    Dunk City, sacked: Florida throttles FGCU in the tourney?s ugliest game

    Welcome to Dunk City, population everybody zero. Florida Gulf Coast University's Cinderella run ended the way most bad dates do: with anger, frustration, self-loathing and and a vow to never speak of this night again. Wow, was this an ugly game. Like, "delete from your DVR and smash your...
  4. I

    Rank these basketball players from best looking to ugliest?

    Paul Pierce, Jermaine O'neal, Russel Westbrook, Durant, Kobe, Carmelo, Rose, Shelden Williams And yes I am gay
  5. A

    Lizzie Velasquez, Dubbed ‘World’s Ugliest Woman’ On YouTube, Inspires With New Book

    Lizzie Velasquez was dubbed "World's Ugliest Woman" on YouTube when she was in high school; now, at 23, she's probably the most inspiring person we've seen in a long, long time. More »Post from: Blisstree
  6. J

    Which girl was the ugliest from Ned's Declassfied Missy,Suzie or Moze and please

    explain why? Please explain why???
  7. B

    What do you think the top 3 ugliest trends in clothing have been lately?

    Just any shoes, tops, jeans or jackets everyone seems to wear, but are just terrible looking.
  8. J

    How come they used the ugliest asian girl in Karate Kid?

    I know that most Asian girls don't like black guys, but is it that bad?
  9. A

    The ugliest movie star...?

    Who do you think is the ugliest movie star? I would have to go with Matt Damon and Whoopi Goldberg.
  10. G

    Ugliest Website on Planet Critiques Scienceblogs Strike

    The whole Pepsi maneno is over, and we are moving on. But I thought you'd like to see this site just because it is so unbelievably ugly. Be careful. The first time I opened this web page up on one of those old fashioned CRT monitors, the glass broke. Read the comments on this post... More...
  11. B

    Poll: Who is the ugliest?

    List these people in order from ugliest to least ugly ;D and maybe leave a wee comment about each? This is just for a wee bit of fun by the way...x) But actually, I do have a crush on number 2. He's in big brother UK at the moment. Er, are the links. 1...
  12. A

    Poll - who would you name as the ugliest person in Rock/pop/R'n'B dance...

    ...etc? see below.? ROCK::- COUNTRY:-,0.jpg
  13. S

    I think this is the ugliest person i've ever (pics)?

    i feel bad for her almost on the left
  14. S

    I think this is the ugliest person i've ever (pics)?

    i feel bad for her almost on the left
  15. C

    who is the ugliest celebrity?

    i think mariel hemingway, hands down!!!!
  16. 4

    what animal do you think is the ugliest?

    I think an octopus is distugusting to look at it's so ugly
  17. S

    Who are the ugliest celebrity women of all time?

    Now can you name 10 ugly celebrity females that you know?
  18. B

    Question For The Ladies, Who Do You Think Are The Top 10 Ugliest Male

    Actors In Hollywood In Your Opinion ? ???
  19. O

    who do u think is the ugliest celebrity? (female)?

    who do u think? maybe Amy Winehouse?? i don't know...
  20. A

    POLL: Who is the ugliest celebrity out of these?

    Jocelyn Wildenstein- Miley Cyrus- Amy Winehouse-