
  1. I

    Are turtle beach x11s good for chat.?

    So im thinking of getting x11's for christmas. I have XLC's but 90% of my time spent online is with friends and no matter what I do I just cant get the chat loud enough , Those any one else have this problem ? And are the x11's better are they good for chat or do you have problems with chat too.
  2. M

    What is the best way to travel with a turtle in the car?

    I am bringing my turtles to NH because we are visiting a house there. It's only two hours in the car. The thing is i HAVE to take them. There is no way around that. I was thinking... should i rap them in a moist towel? Or should i put them on a heating pad?
  3. B

    Hi I just found out my xbox 360 turtle beach x1s work on my ps3?

    But I need a Vigo USB speedlink sound card I was wanting to know if the dynomode USB 2.0 sound card does the same thing thanks
  4. S

    Why do people use the term 'gay turtle'?

    I just don't get it. I was asking about a car today on YA and someone made reference to it being like a gay turtle. I don't even know what that is supposed to mean. thanks.
  5. S

    Why do people use the term 'gay turtle'?

    I just don't get it. I was asking about a car today on YA and someone made reference to it being like a gay turtle. I don't even know what that is supposed to mean. thanks.
  6. J

    Can I take my turtle out to play?

    I just got her today from Petsmart. She is very healthy, but I don't know if she is old enough to tell if she IS a girl (She is about 5 inches long). She is still a little shy, so I was wondering if I can take her out YET to play with us. Or is it too early? (P.S. I have a proper tank with...
  7. C

    its a funny story but i have to ask about my turtle?

    its a funny story but you wont believe it but believe it or not its true so here it goes...Ibought a red eared slider at the petshop and its been weaks since i put it in a terrarium with few water in it and now i try to put it in my pond but she CANT SWIM!!! she just spins in the water like a...
  8. B

    Which is the best ninja turtle? And why?

    I was considering becoming a ninja turtle, and just wondered which one was the best so I could be that one. That way I could kill all the other turtles. I asked this question before, but posted it in the wrong section (sorry) so I got no answers :c So here it is again! :D
  9. C

    Why is my turtle not eating?

    I have a mud turtle for 5 years know he is getting fat were he can't use is back legs as much and now he barley eats and today I found him in his water choking on a dead worm so I had to pull the worm out of his mouth and put him on his rock now what should I do?
  10. Z

    i have a Hieroglyphic turtle and i just wonder if i can get another turtle...

    ...and what fish? i have a REALLY big tank and it looks naked so i need more fish :D
  11. D

    Is there a place that sells teenage mutant ninja turtle movie costumes?

    i want to find a good quality costume that looks like the ones used in the live action ninja turtle movies, not the cheap looking ones they sell at walmart. Does anyone know where or who would make and sell one?
  12. D

    People who have used Turtle Beach's X11 question?

    Are they any good? Im thinking about getting them but im not sure if there worth getting, i want to get them before or after Call of Duty: Black Ops comes out.
  13. D

    I saw a turtle in a dream?

    A few nights ago i saw a turtle in my dream & i remember looking at it's heart what does this mean?
  14. K

    Advice for a baby turtle not eating?

    I've had my two little painted turtles since February when I rescued them from a cold snap, once they started eating they were veracious in their appetite. But as of yesterday the runt of the two has stopped eating, she just kinda floated around the tank and seems to sleep a lot. The larger is...
  15. Z

    The best place too buy a pet turtle.?

    I'm going from south carolina to pennsylvania.my daughter wants to get a pet turtle along the way.Any suggestions on where to go or of a turtle sanctuary or hatchery where we can get one first hand.
  16. E

    should i keep the ps3 bluetooth headset? or buy a turtle beach?

    i have been thinking about getting a turtle beach for a while. i don't know if i should get it or just stick to my ps3 bluetooth? i am only 13 and have no money xP SYSTEM: PS3
  17. A

    What kind of turtle stays small forever?

    I want to get a turtle but I need one that stays small forever. I have seen them in florida but i am not sure what they are called? Does anyone know???
  18. A

    What kind of turtle stays small forever?

    I want to get a turtle but I need one that stays small forever. I have seen them in florida but i am not sure what they are called? Does anyone know???
  19. M

    Turtle vents on house with Gable vents?

    My roof is getting replaced and have been told allot of different things by different contractors, some recommend a ridge vent but I don't have soffit vents so ive heard that's a no no. I cant seem to find any information out about whether its a good idea to use turtle vents on a house with...
  20. Z

    What is a good pet turtle?

    I am looking for a pet turtle that I can buy at a pet store that is not very messy, does not grow fast and isn't too aggressive. If you know any kind of turtle that matches one more more of these 3 things, please tell me!