
  1. S

    Do we require any basic training of C++ or java for developing symbian apps?

    I'm a16 year old boy and I'm interested in developing apps for S60. I have not learnt Java or C or C++ and I see a great potential for this platform. The sdk available for download is for the 5th edition. Since I don't know these languages, is there any book out there which would help me to...
  2. G

    my guinea pig looses interest while his training?

    when i am teaching my boy to do some tricks, hes does follow the food for a while but then he just looses interest and looks at my face. plz help i wanna train him.
  3. P

    How much does personal training cost at LifeTime Fitness? Fitness Together?

    Both have locations in the Plano/Allen area. And I don't want to talk to a pushy salesman to find out. I know price can vary by package, but roughly $50? $60? $70? I've researched online, but most reviews I find are 2-5 years old and from a different state. If you have any actual experience...
  4. J

    fitness training tips exercises?

    ok so my holidays are coming up soon we get 6 weeks off and in that time i wanna get into shape. it dose not have to be some miracle shake or anything easy just exercises that work and do a damn good job. my reason: i have only got 7 months of school left and out of the three years i have known...
  5. T

    IMQ Receives Leadership Training Grant From Physicians Foundation

    The Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ) has received a $75,000 grant from The Physicians Foundation to help train physicians to be effective leaders of their medical staffs and handle the emerging challenges of the health care industry. IMQ will partner with the University of California, San...
  6. G

    newbie help: What are some machines you use in weight training?

    Like, can you name 7 machines or so, and what they exercise, maybe the names of two or three exercises you can do with them? I know the rear chest fly on cables exerises the post delts and lat. dorsi I think... With dumbells, the lateral raise exercises the lateral deltoids and on the...
  7. D

    How do i introduce my new puppy to leash training without a struggle?

    I just brought my new pit bull pup home and she is very resistant to the leash , what is the most humane way to train her to walk on a leash without dragging her?
  8. M

    Ankle Braces used in fitness training?

    Is there such thing as weighted braces that can be used on the ankles or wrists that can help in training agility and physical strength? or would I have to make them custom
  9. C

    Dog Training Question?

    Hello, I have a year old Maltese dog (Male) ... There are some problems though ... Instead of licking you when he see's you or is happy to see you ... He will bite, not hard vicious bites just like ... I guess "playful" bites. But I do not want him doing that, what can I do? Also, he starts to...
  10. H

    When you have to travel to a different state for training for your job,

    how long do you generally stay? And do they pay for your expenses? Do they give you a free hotel and stuff? Just wondering, because my mom will have this opportunity. And she will find out soon, but I just want to know ahead of time to know if I will have to transfer to another high school.
  11. S

    training for martial arts?

    so. i had though it was a good idea to train the whole body when i do stuff. but i was compleatly wrong appearantly. and this has left me with no idea of what to, lets say i trained my legs today How long am i sapposed to wait before training that part of the body again? i do go to...
  12. S

    training for martial arts?

    so. i had though it was a good idea to train the whole body when i do stuff. but i was compleatly wrong appearantly. and this has left me with no idea of what to, lets say i trained my legs today How long am i sapposed to wait before training that part of the body again? i do go to...
  13. H

    im 16 and want to start MMA training, how do i convince my parents?

    im 16 and one thing i wanted to do is fight professionally. both of my parents say they will support my goals, but wont let me start taking MMA classes. i watch ufc and i keep thinking i want to be in the octogon one day, but its just the matter of me convincing my parents to let me take mma...
  14. H

    im 16 and want to start MMA training, how do i convince my parents?

    im 16 and one thing i wanted to do is fight professionally. both of my parents say they will support my goals, but wont let me start taking MMA classes. i watch ufc and i keep thinking i want to be in the octogon one day, but its just the matter of me convincing my parents to let me take mma...
  15. T

    Bank Of America Donates $50,000 For Program To Enhance Employment And Training Opport

    Bank of America has donated $50,000 to the Foundation of UMDNJ for a program to help US veterans returning from deployment and looking for work. The grant will be used to expand the Vet2Vet program operated by the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-University Behavioral...
  16. G

    DIY Levitating Jedi Training Sphere [Video]

    This levitating DIY project won't give aspiring Jedi much of a challenge (it doesn't really move), but it's perfect for the Star Wars fan's ever-growing display case. Plus, DIY! More »
  17. D

    spot training / fitness educating?

    I need help understanding this . they say (from what I’ve been reading) you can’t spot train so how do people get those ripped abs? Yes I know they’ve been working hard for them but they had too start somewhere they’ve used some machine or did exercises that got them the results that they got...
  18. E

    Army questions, Training requirement questions, AFQT questions?

    I had a couple questions about this. I am not in the army but I am looking into it. My first question has to do with push ups. When I do push ups my arms are much farther out then shoulder width and I was wondering if that is a problem? In most things I have seen most people have their...
  19. J

    Nail, facial and massage training on dvd ?

    I would like to train myself to do beauty treatments such as manicure and pedicure, acrylic and gel nails, facials and massage. I would like help finding a good training DVD for these treatments, Im not really sure were to start. All help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. K

    Weight loss success with Kettle Bell Training?

    I just came across this yesterday and am very intrigued, I am going to buy a kettle bell soon but was wondering what weight I should start at..I was thinking 10 lbs. I have completely changed my eating habits and exercising habits and have lost 20 lbs in a little over 2 months! But I hate weight...