
  1. K

    Do I give thumbs up's to posts that make me laugh?

    I think I might.
  2. A

    Leverkusen’s Sidney Sam gives Chelsea a sweary thumbs down

    </p> While Borussia Dortmund share a welcome video with their first Champions League opponent, Bayer Leverkusen's Sidney Sam opted for a different -- yet equally smiley -- way to introduce himself to his side's English foe. In a posting on his Facebook page, Sam shared a snapshot of himself...
  3. M

    What are some good new movies on DVD? Thumbs up just for answering!?

    I'm having a sleepover tomorrow with some of my besties and i want to watch a good new movie, preferably PG-13 nothing R. Thumbs up just for putting effort into it and 10 points for best answer!
  4. L

    Do you laugh when you or someone gets a thumbs down?

  5. G

    Separation of church and state? Pastor Brad Brandon thumbs his nose at it.

    And the feds have taken notice... Pastor Brad Brandon's loves to talk about the scriptures on his daily radio show, but it was what he spoke from the pulpit of his church, Berean Bible Baptist in Hastings, which has the attention of the federal government. The 11 candidates he endorsed are...
  6. V

    Itouch Update and Backup? 10 POINTS and thumbs up!?

    Hey guys! I'm updating my itouch, using my laptop. but its taking FOREVER and every time the laptop goes to sleep, which is like in 10 mins, backup cancels itself. Can i update WITHOUT Backup? I already have ALL my songs and and apps on itunes so i'll just load everything after. Thanks =)
  7. B

    Survey - Why is it SOME on P&S get upset when I thumbs down for spelling ?

    I've seen the screams, crying, ranting... sorry, but I'm a retired teacher and can't abide people who display their ignorance.
  8. D

    What use does God have for "opposable" thumbs?

    Now, before you say God is an entity we cannot understand and needs no body to perform any of his work, consider this... We were all made in God's image. We have opposable thumbs. Ergo, God has opposable thumbs. Yet, as evolutionists will know, opposable thumbs were evolutions greatest gift to...
  9. G

    Plant Taxonomists, Statisticians, Reformed Jews give Thumbs Up to Evolution.

    The chorus of support for the teaching of evolution continues, with three statements from the American Society of Plant Taxonomists, the American Statistical Association, and the Union for Reform Judaism.In its statement, the American Society of Plant Taxonomists endorses "the use of evolution...
  10. H

    Is mazda a good car company. 10 points and thumbs up!?

    my dad has always bought decent cars from dealers like honda and toyota and since his cars are still good after 9 years he wants me to pick a car from honda. He says that maintenance is good so im not sure if mazda has good maintenance PLEASE HELP ME. i really like this car which is under...
  11. H

    POLL">.. thumbs UP AND STARS>!>!>?

    Do u count ur lucky stars !<!><..that u went to go compare!!???
  12. J

    Thumbs down because I vote for Spain.. is this a joke?

    yes i see lots of thumbs down for those who vote for spain and its getting pretty annoying now.. i see ppl say its because of the racism the spaniards have when last time i checked germans are obviously more racist but no one is saying anything about that.. another thing the dutch are feeling...
  13. B

    poll: star this question and get a thumbs up:)?

    give a star get a thumbs up
  14. P

    POLL:How many on the politics site use the thumbs up or down to show that you...

    ...disagree with the answer rather? than to express whether you think the answer is right or wrong? Do you always thumb down answers by the opposing ideology?
  15. A

    Why is it when i give bad advise or joke around i get thumbs up on my answers?

    I mean really. You are making my job difficult. I want to be a rebel and get like 5 thumbs down on all my answers >:( Please someone call me a troll in training. I think the word troll is funny considering i always picture someone under a bridge that yells up at people walking across mean...
  16. P

    POLL**** You opinion** Thumbs down, must be treated the same as if .......?

    ... you had given a star to someone!! Their photos must also appear!!! Star this question so yahoo answers can do something about this!!!!! I want to break their fingers now.
  17. I

    Big Survey: Do you give the answerer a thumbs down when "this" happens to you on YA?

    Big Survey: Do you give the answerer a thumbs down when "this" happens to you on YA? Let's assume you ask a question. One or a few of the answerers wins a lot of thumbs up and only one thumbs down (you haven't given him/her the thumbs down). So, the answerer might think you have given him the...
  18. P

    DC Crew: The person with the most thumbs down wins?

    On your marks! Get set! GO GO GO!!!!! @ Jack Good so far, keep them coming!! Jack is still winnng.
  19. C

    did homo habilis have aposable thumbs?

    did they? i know they didnt have aposable toes but thumbs??
  20. S

    How come I get thumbs down on every one of my insulting, ranting, tyrannical answers?

    Did I read the community guidelines wrong? I have dyslexia and stuff.