
  1. T

    Threatening Situations Increase 'Belief In Science'

    A faith in the explanatory and revealing power of science increases in the face of stress or anxiety, a study by Oxford University psychologists suggests. The researchers argue that a 'belief in science' may help non-religious people deal with adversity by offering comfort and reassurance, as...
  2. T

    Our Fight-Or-Flight Response And Misperception That Threatening Objects Appear Closer

    When we're faced with things that seem threatening, whether it's a hairy spider or an angry mob, our goal is usually to get as far away as we can. Now, new research suggests that our visual perception may actually be biased in ways that help motivate us to get out of harm's way. Our bodies help...
  3. T

    Undiagnosed Heart Problems Threatening The Health And Quality Of Life Of The Very Eld

    The very oldest in our society are missing out on simple heart treatments which can prolong and improve their quality of life, Newcastle heart experts say. Studying a group of people aged 87 to 89 years old, the team of researchers at Newcastle University found that a routine test in the home...
  4. A

    help are these life threatening?

    I have hyperthyroid (problems),graves disease, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis disease, arthritis, scoliosis, von willebrand disease, and in 2010 I had cancer of the thyroid witch they took my gorder(?) out. I wanted to know if these are life threatening and if I'd be able to qualify for a wish from...
  5. M

    is a cat's fur dangerous/life threatening?

    So a lot of people say that a cat's fur is bad and can make you sick. Two of my cousins told me stories. Cousin 1: said that he had a friend who had a cat hair go into his lungs and he was hospitalized for two months or more. Cousin 2: said that she saw a show on tv that that said a girl had...
  6. M

    My thoughts are arguing with eachother and threatening me.. help?

    For the past few days I've had sub-conscious thoughts pop into my head arguing with my regular thoughts. I do not know where they're coming from. I can form responses to these thoughts and converse with them.... as if I have 2 trains of thought running but can only control one. They are not...
  7. A

    cobra snake threatening my lil girl in my dream what doss that mean?

    i had a dream where we r out side and my lil girl is playing then she some how ended up playing in a small round hole with a lil Water kind of like a lil kid pool but with grass around it then out of no where snakes com out their wore 2 kinds cobra's and ones that look like cobras but with out...
  8. I

    what do i do if my ex is threatening to spread bad rumors about me?

    Tell the guy you're seeing about what your ex has treatened.Honesty always wins out.As for the ex tell his family or friends that is making threats and ask for their help. Best of luck.
  9. L

    Christians: You CAN argue religion without threatening hell on people, right?

    Just wanted to make sure you had it in you.
  10. A

    What reasons did Solomon give for threatening to kill Abiathar?

    1 Kings 2:26 mentions this threat.
  11. J

    How arrogant is Gibbs? Threatening to pull obama out of meeting because his... buddies weren't allowed in? Is there no limit to their arrogance???
  12. C

    My parents argue often and are threatening to cope?

    My mom gets really stressed easily; in the morning, within five minutes of her waking up, she'll start ranting about how messy the house is and how my dad never does anything to help. My dad just ignores her and gets ready for work, goes on the computer, and leaves when it's time for him to go...
  13. A

    Should sheeple put away threatening Jesus for harmless Christ, to avoid the...

    ...threat-end of vengeful Son of man? Eg: his "life eternal" in Matthew 25:46 is neither unity of the Spirit nor eternal life Eg: if he comes with clouds, as in Rev 1:7 then "all kindreds of the earth shall wail" Eg: risen Jesus still upbraided, but Christ rose higher to be harmless Eg: Son...
  14. M

    Will Threatening Verizon Work?

    I really want a new phone, but I'm not eligible for an upgrade, so that means I would have to pay FULL PRICE! So I sent this email to Verizon. I heard if you tell them you are leaving, they will give a deal to stay. Do u think it will work? Here is what I wrote to Verizon Wireless (I sent it...
  15. S

    will conseratives finally be against outsourcing when it starts threatening

    THEIR jobs? "Management consulting firm McKinsey & Company's economic think tank, the McKinsey Global Institute, predicts that white-collar offshoring will increase at a rate of 30 percent to 40 percent over the next five years. By 2015, Forrester predicts, roughly 3.3 million service jobs will...
  16. S

    Do you find humor threatening?

    When you hear a joke or laughter do you think the person is being mean?
  17. D

    I popped a girl's cherry and now shes threatening to tell everyone i know!?

    We were drunk and i vaguely remember i just need help. Anyone?
  18. I

    There is a guy I met online who is threatening to post my phone number on

    the internet...? I told him to leave me alone the night before last because he would get mad at me for not responding to text messages in a timely manner (a timely manner to him is right away, God forbid an hour pass). Therefore, I told him to delete my number and leave me alone. He then...
  19. P

    When are North Korea threatening to fire their 'satellite'?

    aka, at what time will the shit hit the fan? Specifics people, specifics!!!
  20. S

    Dad is Threatening to kill my mom..HELP?!?

    My parent have been married for about 24 years. My dad has been abusive in the past to my mother and he even broke her nose once. He's verbally abusive, and he hasn't hit her recently, last time was about back in September. Lately, hes been acting very strange and calling her constantly...