
  1. A

    9 BS Ways To Look Thinner In Pictures

    How else are you going to get a billion likes on Instagram if your legs don't looks skinny in jean shorts? More » 9 BS Ways To Look Thinner In Pictures is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on mental health & healthcare..
  2. W

    How can i make my nose appear thinner ?

    Ive heard makeup tricks that help the nose appear thinner/Smaller. One problem. Im a guy Lol. should i just do the tricks anyway but instead of makeup on all of my face just simply on my nose? If not what other tricks and tips can i do to make my nose seem thinner since i know theres no Non...
  3. T

    Think Thinner - The Spiwe Show - Dec 02,2012

    Thanksgiving and Christmas are here! Maybe youve been doing well till now, but theres food popping out of every desk and common surface at work. It whispers to you from the cupboards at home, and you want it even though youre supposed to wait till the big day. How do you manage your diet during...
  4. W

    how to make face thinner

    Some hairstyles will help you to make your face look thinner, and some hairstyles will make your face look rounder. Other then exercise you can apply technique also.... how to make face thinner
  5. W

    How to make your nose thinner?

    My sis nose is very thik and shape of nose is also not fit on her face.Is their any alternative how to make your nose thinner without surgery then please suggest me. Well thanks for help:)
  6. A

    Breastfeeding Your Baby May Make You Thinner Later in Life

    A new study out of Britain says there's evidence that breastfeeding might actually contribute to lower body weight later in life. According to the findings, just six months of breastfeeding could lower the risk of obesity for up to 30 years in the future. Which isn't entirely surprising--people...
  7. O

    Why do we need thinner and lighter gadgets?

    I don't get why we need thinner and lighter phones, computers, etc...yet so many resources are put into just this. Who the hell cares if your laptop is thinner than mine as long as it's doing the same stuff.
  8. K

    How can I make my arms thinner?

    I'm pretty skinny, and I don't have a problem with my stomach or thighs or anything. But I'm kind of insecure about my arms, how can I make them thinner? They aren't fat or anything, but they're kind of muscular and wide looking and I just want to make them look better. i'm self concious about...
  9. G

    Samsung Series 9 Laptop Is Thinner, Lighter, and Officially More Expensive Than the M

    [No message]
  10. C

    Do iPhone 3 cases fit the iPod generation 4? or is it thinner?

    Just wanting to know :)
  11. T

    Does bike riding make thighs thinner?

    I want to lose fat on my inner thighs but I don't want to gain muscle ( that'll make them look bigger) so I want to know what kind of exercise and dieting will help me achieve this? Does bike riding help?? Thanks so much ! ?
  12. L

    What excercises can I do to get a thinner waist?

    I'm already skinny. As in 5 ft 7 in and only about 130lbs. I can't help being this thin. Its like no matter how much I eat I can't gain weight. It's not that I'm fat around my tummy area. I actually have a pretty flat tummy. I just want to get a little bit more toned. So I'd like something that...
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    Blood Thinner Controversy - Does Plavix Really Work?

    On August 29 at the European Cardiovascular Society Congress meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, Dr. Guillaume Paré presented new research conducted by McMaster University that in fact contradicts earlier reports that Plavix (clopidogrel) does not work in people with a certain genetic make-up. Paré...
  14. O

    Does cellulosic thinner harm car's dashboard if I use it for cleaning a sticky dirt?

    Somekind of gummy dirt is stuck on my car's dashboard.I used gasoline,alcohol etc. to clean it but got no use and one of my friends suggested using cellulosic thinner to clean that thing.
  15. M

    New HDTV Ratings: LCDs with LED backlights, 240Hz; thinner plasma sets

    [No message]
  16. B

    Since the trend is toward smaller, thinner, more light weight gadgets nowadays,

    do you think women will..? be more interested in my... *ahem*... you know...
  17. W

    why do people think that synthetic oil is thinner?

    the fact is synthetic oil has smaller molecules therefore it cuts friction and can fit in smaller spaces its not thinner oh and 80% of mechanics don't know a damn thing about oil so don't listen to a mechanic about oil ask an oil and lube specialist.
  18. D

    When buying Sims 2 Games, is there a difference between the thinner box and

    the thicker box? A couple weeks ago, I bought Sims 2 Castaway Stories. There were two boxes. One of them was thick and the other was thin. I didnt think there was a difference so I bought the thin one. When I tried to install it on my computer, it wouldn't install. Is there a difference and if...
  19. S

    Aside from Hollywood, what influences women to believe they need to be thinner?

    I'm doing research on women believing they need to be thin/thinner, and I need 3 different views on why. I already have Hollywood's influence--but what else is there? Please help me.